

A malvada Beattrice tem belos pés, que gosta de ter beijados e lambidos de acordo com as suas ordens. É um bela mulher, articulada e inteligente. Adoro seus contos.

Agora, ela tem um blog, imperdível: Simply Beattrice, que ela está atualizando diariamente.

Andamos conversando pelo messenger esses dias e estou começando a iniciá-la nos prazeres de ser uma giganta má. Ela chegou ao cúmulo de esmagar as pernas de um dos meus filhos e mandar que ele se arrastasse para dentro do sapato dela, onde seria esmagado. Caso contrário, ela pisaria em seus membros um por um.

Como podem ver, Beattrice nasceu para ser má. Quando terminarmos a história, ela já me deu autorização para postá-la aqui no blog.

Aproveitem e vejam suas fotos.


Quando os "Homens-Bomba" São Mulheres

Em dezembro de 2003, uma mulher se suicidou matando mais cinco outras pessoas num atentado a bomba no centro de Moscou. Antes, no outono, uma mulher-bomba matou 21 outras pessoas num restaurante lotado em Israel. Agora, no massacre de Beslam, aparecem novamente as mulheres. Esses casos e vários outros ocorridos antes ilustram uma importante fraqueza na nossa estratégia antiterrorista. O perfil oficial do terrorista típico desenvolvido pelo Departamento da Segurança Interna dos EUA para analisar a concessão de vistos e a permanência de emigrantes no país se aplica apenas a homens.

Esse perfil foi desenvolvido antes do advento das salas de bate-papo do islamismo recrutarem militantes para a jihad, antes de a Guerra do Iraque aumentar o sentimento mundial antiamericano e antes de as mulheres começarem a servir como suicidas para as organizações terroristas islâmicas.

De acordo com um programa iniciado antes de 11 de setembro de 2001, as concessões de vistos para pessoas do sexo masculino entre 16 e 45 anos passam por uma averiguação especial. No entanto as mulheres, mesmo aquelas de países conhecidos por abrigar terroristas, não estão sujeitas a esse programa.

O mesmo ocorre com o requerimento que residentes estrangeiros com origem em países como Paquistão, Iêmen e Arábia Saudita registram no governo federal -a fiscalização vale só para os homens. Terroristas procuram vulnerabilidades nas medidas governamentais do inimigo. Quando detectores de metal foram instalados nos aeroportos, terroristas encontraram outros meios para atacar aviões.

Quando governantes começaram a proteger suas embaixadas com barreiras de concreto, terroristas adotaram explosivos mais potentes.

Perfilar exclusivamente homens e focar a vigilância estritamente em países famosos por servirem de bases terroristas deixam significativas brechas que não têm sido fechadas, a despeito de o FBI reconhecer que a Al Qaeda tem recrutado mulheres e a despeito da descoberta, na última primavera, que uma estágiaria do MIT pode ter servido de suporte logístico para a Al Qaeda.

Embora mulheres representem apenas uma fração dos terroristas espalhados pelo mundo, é ingênuo acreditar que elas não sejam recrutadas por grupos extremamente violentos.

Mulheres são responsáveis por um terço dos ataques suicidas executados pelos Tigres Tâmeis, em Sri Lanka, e dois terços daqueles efetuados pelo Partido dos Trabalhadores do Kurdistão. Mulheres têm fundado e liderado grupos terroristas, seqüestrado aviões, servido em todas as unidades militares, implodido prédios e assassinado líderes políticos. O que há de novo é que mulheres estão participando de ataques em nome de organizações que promovem as causas islâmicas.

Os grupos islâmicos tradicionalmente são contra o uso de mártires femininas. Mas, como resposta ao primeiro ataque de um mulher-bomba em Israel, em janeiro de 2002, o sheik Ahmed Yassin, líder espiritual do Hamas, morto há dois meses, pareceu esmorecer em sua posição quando disse que mulheres poderiam participar de ataques se não existissem homens disponíveis, contanto que elas fossem comandadas por homens.

O xeque Yusuf Qaradawi, decano de estudos islâmicos na Universidade de Qatar e especialista em islamismo, mexeu com essas convicções declarando que "a participação de mulheres em operações de martírio é um dos atos mais louváveis de adoração". Uma mulher pode "ir para a jihad mesmo sem a permissão do marido", afirmou, e pode, se necessário, viajar sem comandantes homens e sem o véu.

As roupas religiosas das mulheres muçulmanas e as normas para resguardar os corpos poderiam tornar mais fácil para elas transportarem armas, como foram vários casos durante a Guerra da Argélia. Mulheres ainda despertam menos medo ou suspeita quando em situação de violência física. Como resultado, elas às vezes recebem menos atenção durante vistorias ou inspeções.

A falta de vigilância sobre as mulheres ao entrarem nos EUA e o normalmente sustentado e correto ponto de vista de que mulheres são menos propensas à violência fazem com que a Al Qaeda volte seus olhos às mulheres e outros recrutas que não se encaixem no perfil padrão.

Segundo especialistas em inteligência, a Al Qaeda está procurando recrutas ao redor do mundo nas prisões ocidentais e nas cidades interioranas na América hispânica e entre franceses convertidos ao islã. Por meio de comunicação pela internet está levando indivíduos a criar suas próprias células e a promover seus próprios golpes, sem necessariamente serem integrantes de uma organização militante já existente. Esses autônomos também estão recrutando mulheres.

Apesar de agredir o legitimado padrão nascido da relação com as liberdades civis, o modelo apela para burocracias durante o período de guerra porque isto os obriga a desenvolver um padrão operacional de procedimentos, facilitando e suavizando a pressão sobre aqueles que nos protegeriam.

Isso também facilitou a procura por terroristas até agora suspeitos. Mas nós estamos lutando contra um inimigo que continua a mudar suas táticas, suas propostas de missão, sua etinicidade, sua nacionalidade e o sexo de seus recrutas. Isso significa que nós precisamos considerar menos essas variantes como indicadores de perigo em potencial.

Um instrumento muito mais poderoso seria uma inteligência humana maior e melhor que nos habilitaria a penetrar movimentos armados, monitorar seu modo de recrutamento e prever sua evolução incluindo o tipo de pessoas que serão recrutadas e, ultimamente esquecido, seu apelo para a população em geral. Na ausência de tal inteligência, traçar um perfil pode ajudar, mas apenas se aqueles que policiam as fronteiras recebem uma constante e regular atualização da situação. Com um inimigo tão multiforme, para manter nosso padrão operacional vinculado a critérios como raça e baseado em sexo, é pôr a segurança do povo americano em risco.

Jessica Stern é especialista em terrorismo da escola de governo Kennedy, Universidade Harvard; é autora de "Terror em nome de Deus" (ed. Barcarolla)

(da Folha de São Paulo, de 26 de setembro de 2004)


Kylia's First Victim: A Role-Play

Below, you'll find a log of a mIRC role-play between me and Kylia, from September 26, 1999. In this now historical chat, I first convinced her it would be fun to step on a tiny man and ended up becoming her first victim.

I give it to you as it happened, except for a few editorial licenses: I removed all personal info, both hers and mine - I went by the nick Thales then; I corrected the most blatant mispellings perpetrated in the thick of the action; I cut out most of what I had said, leaving only enough for you guys to understand what is she responding to - after all, we're here for the big girls, right?, not for blabbering tiny guys.

Kylia then recorded some wavs of her wickedest dialogue. They are among the most delicious things I have ever heard any woman say.

Kylia's First Victim: A Role-Play

a role-play between Pedro Lozada (then Thales) and Kylia, on Sept.26, 1999

hi sweets!

you use them and you have your mischievous fun. then, when it's over, when you don't need them anymore, you squish them... and then, tomorrow, you can always find some more... :)

*kylia laughs. Thats so mean!... But... Ummmmmm... So very tempting!

what does a mischievous and playful giantess do for fun?

*kylia laughs... A lot of things! I LOVE TO TORTURE... TO HUMILIATE. Mmmm! I love the look on some little man's face the moment he realizes he is soooooooooooo in trouble. *kylia glances down at the very small man, admiring just how smooth and adorable he is, then kicks out long legs as she rests her bottom on a large mound of grass and dirt, the heat of the sun glowing against her golden flesh... *kylia runs a huge, slender hand long her thighs, traveling down shins to rests against her ankle. Her toes wiggle, brushing along your flanks... Tell me, little man. What would you do for me? Would you kiss my toes? *kylia giggles, leaning back on elbows she stretches out her legs.

I would do anything for you, Goddess! but your feet... aren't they dirty or something?

If they are, it is your responsibility to make sure they are cleaned. *kylia just grins. *kylia brightens with a thought, an impish smile crosses her full tempting lips as she leans down closer to you, her hand resting on the mound... Climb up.

but wouldn't that be... huh... *doesn't want to piss her off*... kind of disgusting?

*kylia giggles..."maybe just a little... but you DID say anything...right?"

yes. anything. but what if I refused?

*kylia laughs... Why would you want too? DON’T BE SILLY... YOU KNOW I CAN DO WHAT I WANT.

yes, you can... but would you?

*kylia smiles so very bright... And with one hand she pushes you into the other, then lifts you off the ground. So... Don’t keep me waiting.

the other tiny men on the grapevine say you wouldn't hurt a fly...

*kylia draws you closer to her face... I wouldn't... They are right, but you’re not a fly. You’re a man.*kylia grins, then slowly she draws a large moist over your body. You want to worship feet that are dirty? No way! So let’s get them cleaned. *kylia moistens you even more with a few quick flicks of her tongue. *kylia crosses her legs, then slowly draws your wet little body down to the sole of her feet, slender fingers coiled perfectly around your waist and torso. Awwwww! Does the little man not like being a wash rag? *KYLIA LAUGHS AT THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE AS SHE RUBS YOU ALONG THE BOTTOM OF HER FEET, slithering your around each toe. *kylia scrubs you along the pads, then grins as she pulls you out to look closer. You’re a mess! *kylia scrunches up her nose, eyeing the filthy little man in her hand, then a sly grin crosses her lips. Oh, I’m glad you approve. Now hold your breath! *kylia reaches out and pinches your foot between her fingers, dangling your upside down. *kylia laughs at your words, just before she dunks you in a nearby lake. *kylia dips you as if you were nothing but a cookie in a glass of milk. *kylia pulls you out, then dunks again... *kylia is finally satisfied her toy is cleaned. She brings you up to her face once more, pursing peddle soft lips she begins to blow warm air over your trembling little form. *kylia giggles, then slicks back your hair with the tip of her finger. Not so bad, was it, little toy man? *kylia puckers out her lower lip, yet the corners of her mouth curl up in a playful smile. Of course not I wasn’t going to hurt you. You’re too cute. WHY WOULD I WANT TO HURT MY NEW TOY? *KYLIA WHISPERS: "JUST YET... ANYWAY." *kylia settles you on the top of her foot, then leans back once more. Now... You have permission to kiss each toe. *kylia giggles. I know you want... right?

[This role-play, jointly written by Pedro Lozada (then Thales) and Giantess Kylia, has been published to the Evil Women blog (http://mulheresmalvadas.blogspot.com). Please refer/link back to us if you reproduce or talk about this story, and don't remove this disclaimer.]

and I guess I don't see your past toys because you have... freed them, right?

*kylia just grins, having ignored your earlier question for a reason... *kylia playfully wiggles the toe you kiss, knocking you back a bit... OH! YOU’RE DOING SUCH A GOOD JOB! *kylia moistens her lips as she lifts her head, long flowing raven locks brushing past her shoulders as she casually says: "WOULD YOU REALLY DO ANYTHING FOR ME?"

yes, I would


huh? I beg your pardon, my goddess?

*kylia giggles just as she sits up, then leans over so close to you and whispers, her lips inches from you: "I SAID... I WANT YOU UNDER MY FOOT"

her breath almost blows me away, but it smells so good. I have to admit it, she's gorgeous, just having her close to me is delicious, she turns me on like no other woman, but she also scares me... as she breaths over me and tells me she wants me under her foot, I feel myself aroused... what will she do?


thales2 wonders: can she see my huge erection here?

OH, YOU POOR DARLING... She giggles: your thing is so hard... TELL YOU WHAT: YOU GET UNDER MY FOOT AND I WILL RELIEVE YOUR... UMMMMM... AROUSAL. I PROMISE. *kylia brightens and sits up straight: just how many Goddesses have you seen?

well, no one. or rather, no one like yourself. they weren't true goddesses, they were nothing like you... but you see... we tiny guys talk a lot among ourselves, about goddesses and giantesses we have seen or met...

*KYLIA COCKS HER HEAD CURIOUSLY: and what have your heard about this Goddess? *kylia brushes the underside of her toes along your body, delighting in the silken touch of your flesh against the rough pads.

rough? there's nothing rough down here, goddess

*kylia giggles: not even to a little man?

your sole is soft and smooth... so gorgeous... thales2 looks around and sees her sole everyone

Mmmm! Thank you...

it feels great. I could stick my head in some of the wrinkles in your sole.


[This role-play, jointly written by Pedro Lozada (then Thales) and Giantess Kylia, has been published to the Evil Women blog (http://mulheresmalvadas.blogspot.com). Please refer/link back to us if you reproduce or talk about this story, and don't remove this disclaimer.]

thales2 looks around for a big enough wrinkle.. do you want me to lick inside it?

*kylia has her knees down up against her chest, her heels lifted as she balances on her toes: yes, but be careful, I am very ticklish. *kylia laughs.

sure goddess. thales2 loves the smell of her godly feet. thales2 caustiously sticks his head in a wrinkle. I trust my goddess

*KYLIA BLUSHES, STARTING TO FEEL A LITTLE GUILTY WHEN SHE HEARS YOUR TRUST IN HER: she strains to keep up on her toes and ponders what she is about to do...

a bulky, strong man emerges from the fight, esctatic. he runs towards Thalia's foot: “so, sister, shall I? Or shall you? try to step on this volunteer -- he'll be your first -- and then you can come back to the other tiny man... look at him, he's a volunteer, he's eager, he wants this! slave, run to my friend here”

LET ME! *KYLIA LIFTS HER HEEL just over the little bulky man, then with a quick splot SHE THRUST HER FOOT DOWN, feeling the warmth of his blood OOZING ALONG HER FEET. That felt.... Strange... Awfully good... AWFULLY EVIL.... AWFULLY......*SIGHS*... AROUSING? As she conversation lingers, her foot slowly adds pressure to your head, slightly at first. kylia adds even more pressure. She feels a slight pop under her heel, thinking she just broke a bone of her little slave. *kylia giggles, adding even more pressure now. A few more pops of your bones. *kylia begins to lower her foot even more, a strange feeling of tantalizing delight stemming from a few more pops under her heel. OHHHH LITTLE MAN? *KYLIA LOWERS HER FOOT EVEN MORE... I DECIDED SOMETHING. I DECIDED THAT YOUR TIME IS DONE....

but goddess...! I trusted you! I love you! doesn't my love mean anything to you?

I am quickly bored with your grobbling and I NEVER PROMISED YOU THAT YOU WOULD NOT DIE IN THE END. AND IT IS THE END, MY SLAVE. You will become part of me now. YOU WILL LIVE... BUT ONLY IN MY HEART. Your life force will join into mine. YOU WANT THAT, DON'T YOU?

mercy! I'll serve you for the rest of my life!


why would you gain popping me? who'll lick your toes tomorrow?

Oh, I would gain things your don't understand. No mortal would. AND TOMORROW, I WILL CHOOSE ANOTHER. Flocks will storm towards me... AND JOIN YOUR SOUL IN THE LAND OF THE DEAD. *KYLIA LOWERS HER HEEL EVEN MORE NOW, she can feel trickles of blood warming the creases.

why kill us all? wouldn't it be nicer to set us free?


[This role-play, jointly written by Pedro Lozada (then Thales) and Giantess Kylia, has been published to the Evil Women blog (http://mulheresmalvadas.blogspot.com). Please refer/link back to us if you reproduce or talk about this story, and don't remove this disclaimer.]

please... I have life, a dream, a family... and I love you So much!

I KNOW YOU LOVE ME, LITTLE MAN. THAT IS WHY YOUR REWARD IS TO BE FLATTENED. If you didn’t earn this, you would have drowned in the lake too. *kylia adds even more pressure: when i was mortal men like you used me for my body. It's men like you who should not even be allowed to breed. *kylia adds yet more pressure and more popping echoes along the hill.

they were fools! I truly love you!

They were men! And men are fools... Are you not a man? *kylia laughs...

my kid will grow up fatherless (sobs)who will take care of my son?



Kylia's Wavs

Kylia was one of the sexiest, evilest giantesses that used to roam through the mIRC chatrooms some years ago. She had a delicious voice and she loved to make wavs as a wicked giantess. I will be posting some of these on my Villainess Yahoo! group.

The first three wavs I have posted there come from the first Evil Giantess role-play I did with Kylia - on Sept.26, 1999, when I went by the nick Thales. That's when she squished me (or anyone else, for that matter) for the first time and I won her over to the evil giantess' team. Up to that time, she was more into shrinking herself. I'm proud to have been the first one to show her how delicious it is to step on tiny people.

Afterwards, I sent her an edited version of our role-play and she most generously recorded those wavs of her very best moments.

So, the words in those wavs are Kylia's own, written during our role-play. She posted them to some message boards and they should be listened to in the following order: (you have to be a member of the group to download the files)


OHHHH LITTLE MAN? I DECIDED SOMETHING. I DECIDED THAT YOUR TIME IS DONE.... I am quickly bored with your grobbling and I NEVER PROMISED YOU THAT YOU WOULD LIVE IN THE END. You will become part of me now. YOU WILL LIVE... BUT ONLY IN MY HEART. Your life force will join into mine. YOU WANT THAT, DON'T YOU? I AM SHOWING MERCY.... IN MY OWN WAY.


THIS IS THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, LITTLE DARLING. IT'S OVER.... Your soul now belongs to ME! Oh, I would gain things your don't understand. No mortal would. AND TOMORROW, I WILL CHOOSE ANOTHER. Flocks will storm towards me... AND JOIN YOUR SOUL IN THE LAND OF THE DEAD. IT WOULD BE NICER... BUT WHO SAID ANYTHING ABOUT BEING NICE?


I KNOW YOU LOVE ME, LITTLE MAN. THAT IS WHY YOUR REWARD IS TO BE FLATTENED. If you didn’t earn this, you would have drowned in the lake too. Your wife will take care of your son. TILL HE GROWS OLD ENOUGH TO BE PLACED UNDER MY FOOT!

Hope you enjoy it.

If you want even more, read the complete log of our role-play and understand the context of what she's saying.


A Escolha do Camponês (conto)

Aviso Importante

Essa é uma história horrível. Ela não é recomendada pra ninguém sadio. Nem adultos e nem, deus me livre, crianças. Ninguém está preparado para ler coisas assim. Essa história contém sexo, incitação à masturbação e ao crime, desobediência civil, mortes, sangues, assassinatos, desgraça, o horror, o horror! Não leiam. Depois não digam que não avisei. Histórias como essa devem ser lidas apenas pelos iniciados, mentes superiores e refinadas, que sabem separar fato de ficção, apreciar o segundo sem que ele se torne o primeiro.

Aviso Essencial

Caramba, eu até me sinto bobo falando essas coisas, mas vá lá, hoje em dia até mesmo as agulhas são vendidas com avisos como "não enfiar no olho", etc. E a Internet é grande, sabe-se lá nas mãos de quem isso aqui pode acabar parando...! Essa história é apenas uma fantasia totalmente louca e absolutamente descompatibilizada da realidade. O autor, de modo algum, pretende incitar seus leitores a realizar coisas hediondas como manter escravos em calabouços ou tentar conquistar o mundo. Lembrem-se do que aconteceu com Hitler: não foi bonito. Mais ainda, nada nessa história indica desejos ou fantasias do autor que coisas parecidas às narradas aqui sejam realizadas contra ele, ou que ele tenha desejos incipientes de morte. Fica claro que o autor, pessoalmente, não quer morrer, não quer que ninguém morra, nunca, e que por ele todos viveriam para sempre, mesmo que isso significasse, por razões óbvias, o fim da humanidade e o colapso da civilização. Ficou claro?

O autor gostaria de saber as opiniões de todos os seus leitores. Não recebo nada pra escrever essas histórias, que me paguem pelo menos com seus comentários... Que tal fazermos um trato? Se ler e gostar, escreva, nem que seja pra dizer "li"... Esse é o único pagamento que preciso...

A Escolha do Camponês
(dominação, podolatria, morte)

por Pedro Lozada

A Rainha passou o dia todo administrando seu reino. No fim da tarde, cansada, decidiu se divertir um pouco. Perguntou ao vizir quem estava em sua ante-sala, esperando para vê-la. Ouviu a chata lista de nomes de aldeãos com suas petições bobas e só se interessou mesmo por um: um jovem camponês, de 17 anos, que pedia apenas para ver a Rainha.

- E é só isso que ele quer, me ver?

- Sim, Rainha.

Os olhinhos da Rainha tremeram de emoção perversa:

- Mande-o entrar.

A Rainha sentou-se majestosa em seu trono e esperou. Daí a pouco, veio caminhando devagar, humilde, o jovem camponês, olhando pra baixo, roupas velhas.

Parou a muitos metros do trono.

- Aproxime-se. - Disse a Rainha, voz doce.

Ele se aproximou, ainda assim olhando pra baixo. Será que isso tudo é humildade, pensou a Rainha, ou ele também está olhando meus pés? Cruzou e descruzou as pernas e reparou, num movimento discreto, que os olhos do rapaz acompanharam todo o processo.

- Levante os olhos e encare sua Rainha. - Ela miou, sedutora, ao mesmo tempo que mexia alegremente os dedos dos pés. Acompanhou, divertida, a dificuldade que ele teve de tirar os olhos de seus dedinhos.

Assim que seus olhos se encontraram, o camponês caiu de quatro, embasbacado pela beleza da Rainha, pela enormidade de sua presença real. E ali ele ficou, imóvel, boca aberta, olhando sua Rainha.

[Essa história foi escrita por Pedro Lozada (pedrolozada87[at]hotmail.com). Se gostou, visite o blog Mulheres Malvadas, em http://mulheresmalvadas.blogspot.com, e leia outras histórias ainda piores. Não retire esse aviso, por favor]

Os minutos se passavam devagar e a Rainha saboreava aquela situação. Fazia movimentos pequenos, mexia a mão, torcia o tornozelo, cruzava as pernas, sabendo que tudo estava sendo absorvido pelo camponês, que nada seria esquecido, que, para ele, aquela pequena graça de ver sua Rainha era a maior felicidade de sua vida.

Por fim, ela perguntou:

- É só isso o que deseja de sua Rainha?

O transe se rompeu. O camponês sacudiu a cabeça, se levantou e disse:

- Sim, minha Rainha. Muito obrigado por essa graça concedida. Nunca esquecerei esse momento jamais. Minha mãe e meus irmãos me esperam na lavoura e vou-

A Rainha levantou a mão e fez com que ele se calasse.

- Você parece ser um bom rapaz. E eu hoje estou realmente me sentindo bondosa e magnânima. Então, vou lhe oferecer um presente de valor inestimável.

O camponês ficou imóvel, ansioso, sem imaginar o que poderia ser. A Rainha levantou a perna, mostrou a sola de seu delicioso pé para o camponês e mexeu os dedinhos:

- Vou lhe conceder a honra de beijar e lamber meus pés.

A surpresa foi tanta que o camponês nem sorriu, só ficou paralizado de emoção. A única coisa que se movia em seu corpo era a ereção que crescia em sua virilha. E a Rainha continuou, matreira, com um sorriso delicioso nos lábios:

- Por um pequenino preço....

E apontou, com o pé, para a sacada de sua sala real, que dava para o Coliseu:

- Depois de lamber meus pés, você será imediatamente lançado às feras.

O camponês caiu de quatro, e a Rainha disse, cabeça inclinada para o lado, em um tom solidário e compreensivo:

- Eu sei que a relação entre as duas coisas é desproporcional. Afinal, estou lhe dando um presente inestimável, além do alcance de qualquer mortal, a chance de tocar e beijar a pele de uma verdadeira deusa, de literalmente sentir o gosto de sua Rainha, e estou pedindo um troca uma coisa ínfima, que não vale nada realmente, somente sua vidinha de camponês imundo.

Levantou a outra perna e agora mostrava ambas as solas para ele:

- Mas, como disse, estou me sentindo bondosa e magnânima hoje e, como sei que você só tem isso pra dar, peço apenas isso.

O rapaz continuava de joelhos, e a Rainha seguia falando em seu tom mais sedutor, convidando-o à sua própria ruína:

- Não agradece à sua Rainha por essa tamanha dádiva? A escolha é sua, meu querido, mas se não vai aceitar meu presente, é melhor sair logo antes que eu me ofenda.

As lágrimas escorriam por seus olhos:

- Minha mãe é doente e meus irmãos são ainda muito novos. Sou eu que os sustento. Precisam de mim.

A Rainha, pela primeira vez, endureceu o tom:

- Pois que passem fome. O que é mais importante, a vida deles ou o meu prazer em ter sua língua entre meus dedos?

Ele abaixou a cabeça.

- Levante-se agora.

O camponês obedeceu.

- Decida-se. Dê um passo a frente, sele seu destino e beije meus pés. Ou então, dê um passo atrás e vá embora, volte para sua vidinha medíocre sabendo que poderia ter chupado o dedão do pé de uma verdadeira Deusa.

Ele deu um passo a frente e, literalmente, desabou aos pés da malvada Rainha, derrotado, entregue.

- Ai, que delícia, meu escravo. Escolheu muito bem. Venha, lamba meus pés e me dê muito prazer, pois em breve morrerá e, de você, não vai sobrar nem lembrança.

Mostrou sua sola para ele e balançou os dedinhos:

- Venha saborear esse prazer sem igual, rápido antes que eu me arrependa de ser tão boazinha.

O primeiro contato da língua do escravo com a pele sensível, sob os arcos dos seus pés, era sempre o momento preferido da Rainha. Alguma coisa na vida poderia ser melhor que isso? Adorava saber que o rapaz pagaria o mais alto preço por aquela glória. Adorava saber que ele pagava esse preço voluntariamente. Adorava saber que, pra ele, chupão o dedão do pé da Rainha valia mais do que a vida. Adorava saber que não precisava da vida dele para nada e que poderia facilmente poupá-lo, mas que teria mais prazer ainda vendo-o ser destroçado pelos leões por um puro capricho malvado seu.

Ter tamanho poder de vida e morte era afrodisíaco.

Enquanto isso, o rapaz beijava e lambia, chorava e soluçava. A Rainha ficou comovida:

- O que foi, meu anjo? - E passou as mãos pelos cabelos dele, fazendo um gostoso cafuné - Não está feliz de poder sentir o gosto dos meus divinos pés?

Ele sacudiu a cabeça afirmativamente. Ai dele se dissesse que não.

- O que foi então? - Perguntou ela, enquanto ele enfiava todo um pé em sua boca - É por causa da sua vidinha inútil que vai acabar em breve?

Ele sacudiu a cabeça negativamente, sem tirar o pé dela de sua boca.

[Essa história foi escrita por Pedro Lozada (pedrolozada87[at]hotmail.com). Se gostou, visite o blog Mulheres Malvadas, em http://mulheresmalvadas.blogspot.com, e leia outras histórias ainda piores. Não retire esse aviso, por favor]

- Que fofo. O que pode ser então? Hmm, já sei: é por causa da sua família que passará fome sem você?

Finalmente, ele concordou. A Rainha riu, contente consigo mesma e mexeu seus dedinhos dentro da boca dele:

- Não está gostando de dar prazer à sua Rainha?

Arrancou o pé de sua boca, que saiu fazendo um sonoro ruído de suçção, e esfregou o outro pé em sua cara.

- Servir seus pés é a maior honra que um homem pode ter!

- Bom rapaz! - Disse a Rainha.

E ele abaixou a cabeça:

- Mas fico pensando na minha família... Se elas não vão passar fome por causa da minha irresponsabilidade... Se não troquei o meu prazer pela privação delas...

A Rainha enfiou o outro pé em sua boca:

- Vamos, lamba mais e fale menos.

E fez mais um cafuné nele:

- Não fique assim, não. Deixa eu te contar uma coisa. Não sabe que sou a Rainha mais malvada que existe? A partir do momento em que veio me ver, já estava condenado. Acha mesmo que teria sobrevivido à ofensa de se recusar a lamber meus pés? Meus guardas o teriam feito em pedaços.

Ele voltou a chorar e a Rainha acariociou seu rosto com amor:

- Fez a escolha certa, meu querido. Sua família iria ficar sem você de qualquer jeito. Ninguém sobrevive a mim. Mas, pelo menos, assim você tem o privilégio de provar meus pés divinos antes de morrer.

Em êxtase, o rapaz começou a beijar os pés da Rainha sofregamente, como se sua vida dependesse disso.

A Rainha não gostou. Sentia prazer em saber que o homem seria condenado por lamber seus pés, que morreria por um capricho, mas seu óbvio tesão pelos pés da Rainha a incomodava. Ela não gostava de realizar fantasias sexuais de escravos. Gostava de seus camponeses reprimidos e recalcados. Saber que ele estava adorando lamber seus pés matava todo o prazer da Rainha.

Só ela podia ser feliz. Só ela podia sentir prazer.

- Guardas! - Chamou, ao mesmo tempo em que afastava seus pés da boca do camponês. - Hora de pagar o preço, meu lindo.

Ele esticou o braços, debilmente procurou os pés da Rainha:

- Não, por favor, só mais um pouco...

- Chega. Já tive meu prazer, estou satisfeita. Senão, meus pezinhos viram uva passa. Amanhã, continuamos... - Fez um biquinho sexy e logo desatou a rir: - Ah, meu querido, é verdade, eu esqueci, não vai haver amanhã pra você... Vai virar comida de tigre em poucos minutos... Que peninha!

A Rainha se tremia de tanto rir: - Não precisa ficar preocupado, não. Amanhã eu arranjo outro escravo para me lamber os pés...

O camponês estava desabado no chão, chorando:

- Por favor, eu não me importo em morrer, mas me deixe sentir sua sola em minha língua só mais uma vez.

A Rainha fechou os punhos, levantou o queixo e retesou os dedinhos dos pés:

- Jamais. Mas existe algo que posso fazer por você. Prometo cuidar de sua família. Explique ao guarda onde mora.

O camponês explicou ao guarda onde era sua casa, morro acima, rio abaixo. A Rainha ouviu tudo aquilo com um sorriso sereno nos lábios.

- Entendeu? - Perguntou ao guarda. Ao que o guarda respondeu afirmativamente, ela ordenou: - Vá até lá e capture a mãe e os oito irmãos. Traga-os pra cá. Quando estiverem aqui, atire todos às feras. - E completou, rindo: - Juntinhos. Para poderem ver o destino uns dos outros.

- Nããããão! - Gritou o camponês, correndo em direção à Rainha. Ela se empertigou de seu trono e, com um tapa bem dado, derrubou-o no chão. Antes que ele pudesse se levantar, ela pisou com força em seu rosto, segurando seu nariz entre o dedão e o seguinte.

- Calma, tolinho. Tudo acabará bem. Pra mim, claro, que amanhã vou fazer isso tudo de novo...

Ele chorava: - Por quê? Por quê? Você prometeu...

- Ai, escravinho, não me canse! Mas não acabei de falar que sou a Rainha mais malvada do mundo! Acha que consegui essa reputação como? Falando a verdade para tolinhos como você? Poupando a vida de míseros camponeses? Por favor, não me faça rir! Deveria ficar feliz de estar tendo mais esse contato com meus deliciosos pés, posso sentir sua linguinha nas minhas solas. Você me ama?

E ele só balançou a cabeça, ainda chorando, ainda lambendo:

- Então deveria me amar como eu sou, malvada e perversa. E você gosta da minha maldade, não gosta?

Mais uma vez, balançou a cabeça.

- Então, chega. Guardas, levem-no.

[Essa história foi escrita por Pedro Lozada (pedrolozada87[at]hotmail.com). Se gostou, visite o blog Mulheres Malvadas, em http://mulheresmalvadas.blogspot.com, e leia outras histórias ainda piores. Não retire esse aviso, por favor]

Ele não se debateu. Três corpulentos guardas o agarraram e ele foi arrastado pacificamente pra fora. Não tirou os olhos da Rainha o tempo todo, lágrimas escorrendo pelo rosto, lábios tremendo, mas, ainda assim, uma tremenda ereção na virilha.

Aí vai um homem totalmente derrotado e destruído, pensou a Rainha, desabando gostosamente em seu trono. Um rapaz bom, trabalhador, responsável, arrimo de família. Ele, sua bondade, sua diligência, sua responsabilidade, toda sua família, até sua ereção, pensou, com um risinho, serão devorados pelas feras e desaparecerão para sempre.

A Rainha escorregou um dedo para sua virilha enquanto pensava esses pensamentos deliciosos: nesse momento, há uma pobre mãe doente e vários irmãozinhos pequenos que nem imaginam que estão prestes a morrer uma morte dolorosa e vã. Ao fim dessa tarde, haverá mais um casebre vazio no campo. Tudo porque um pobre rapaz não resistiu à tentação de ver a Rainha mais bela e cruel do mundo. Tudo porque a Rainha mais bela e cruel do mundo não resistiu a ser fiel à sua natureza e fez o que fazia melhor: foi perversa, caprichosa, diabólica.

Esfregou a sola dos seus pés do chão, ainda sentindo a pegajosa saliva do camponês. Ai, que vida boa.

Até se recriminou: sou uma boba sentimental mesmo! Qual é a vantagem de destruir uma reles família camponesa? Eles são como pequenos insetos carregando grãos de comida pelo seu reino. Fico assim toda excitada como se tivesse feito grandes coisas mas, sinceramente, não foi nada de mais. Eles não são nada.

E, por outro lado, comparado a ele, quem é? Quem resiste a tamanha beleza, poder e maldade? Ninguém. Nobres, reis, presidentes, todos caíram aos seus pés e morreram, exatamente como a família do camponês.

Ai, ai, a verdade é que sou mesmo imbatível. Me faltam desafios!, pensou, entediada.

E, assim, a Rainha foi entrando em outros trens de raciocínio e esqueceu totalmente do camponês e sua família, de tão pequenos que eram em suas preocupações, de tão pouco que significavam pra ela.

Só várias horas depois é que foi pensar que gostaria de ter assistido de sua sacada enquanto eram devorados pelas feras, teria tido uns bons orgasmos.

E riu pra si mesma: bobagem, depois mato outros!, e voltou aos assuntos de estado.

Teria gostado de saber que o camponês ficou olhando para sua sacada real até o último segundo, na esperança que a Rainha viesse assistir ao cruel castigo que inflingira tão caprichosamente. Até o momento em que o tigre esmagou seu crânio com uma dentada.

Mas a Rainha nunca mais pensou no assunto.


Agora comentem, por favor! Estou quase fechando esse blog por total falta de feedback! Sem leitores, qual é a graça?!

Essa história pode ser livremente copiada, retransmitida, repassada, redistribuída, e por aí vai. Na verdade, como não estou olhando, você pode fazer o que quiser com ela, inclusive imprimir pra limpar a bunda, etc - o que talvez seja o que ela merece, nunca se sabe. Mas peço apenas que, o que quer que faça, não modifique a história sem minha autorização, nem retire os avisos.


Mulher Tortura Amante por Oito Horas

Reproduzido do jornal carioca O Dia:

"Oito horas de tortura

Com ajuda de três cúmplices, mulher enciumada espanca a ex-companheira em residência na Barra

por Luiz Sérgio Azevedo

Por ciúmes, a auditora fiscal do Ministério do Trabalho Sarandá Duarte Villas Boas da Rocha, 56 anos, torturou por oito horas sua ex-companheira, Maria Lúcia Pereira dos Santos, 35, com quem morou por sete anos. A violência se passou na casa da funcionária pública federal, na Rua Bela Vista 53, no Itanhangá, Barra da Tijuca. A cabeleireira Maria Damiana Santana, 29, a irmã dela, Glória Marcela, 25, e a cozinheira de Sarandá, Telma Rejane Daniel Lopes, 30, ajudaram no espancamento. Policiais da 16ª DP (Barra da Tijuca), chamados por vizinhos, foram até o local e prenderam a auditora, a cozinheira e a cabeleireira. Glória conseguiu fugir.

Maria Lúcia foi convidada pela ex-companheira para ir até sua casa, numa tentativa de reconciliação, e caiu numa emboscada. Usando amônia, Sarandá e suas comparsas doparam Maria Lúcia e a arrastaram até um dos quartos da casa, que tem quatro andares. Com uma estátua, garrafas e tacos de sinuca, o grupo promoveu seguidas sessões de espancamento. Durante as agressões, Sarandá machucou o braço. A barbárie durou das 14h às 22h de quinta-feira, quando a polícia chegou ao local e invadiu a casa.

Fabiana, atual namorada de Maria Lúcia, estranhou a demora e ligou para o celular da vítima, que atendeu ao telefonema, mas só conseguiu dizer frases desconexas. Fabiana, então, acionou policiais do 31º BPM (Recreio), que invadiram a casa e levaram Maria Lúcia para o Hospital Lourenço Jorge, na Barra. Com vários cortes na cabeça, ela foi medicada e passa bem.

Glória, que está foragida, teve prisão temporária pedida pelo delegado Marcus Henrique Alves, da 16ª DP (Barra). Segundo a polícia, foi a terceira tentativa de homicídio cometida por Sarandá contra Maria Lúcia. Testemunhas disseram que ela estava inconformada com a separação, em maio. “Foi tudo por paixão, ela é minha vida. Dei a ela apartamento na Barra. Maria Lúcia ficará com minha pensão de R$ 12 mil. Morávamos no Barramares (condomínio na Barra), mas nos mudamos porque ela queria viver numa casa”, desabafou Sarandá, na cadeia."


Evil Laura's The Merry Murder of Slave Mark M.

As told before, the third Evil Laura shrinking story was based on an email she received from one of her slaves. Since she decided not to finish her story, she posted the original email to her site, so the readers would know how the story would have developed. Remember: this story was not written by her. At least, that's what the site said.

If you haven't read her story The Sandal Strap yet, read it first.

Here you have it, straight from her site:

[reproduction of a story originally posted to Laura's website]

"Received by Goddess Laura via e-mail on June 30th, 1998

The Usual Disclaimer: this story contains various passages not suitable for a healthy brain to digest and it is intended for the seriously demented only — the author included. If you don't fit in this category, please leave now or continue and consider yourself forewarned. My target audience is, mostly, pathetic tiny men who get their kicks from reading about the exploits of sexy evil women as myself. You'll all get a chance to appear here and be squashed, my dear slaves, I assure you. And, secondly, this story is also intended for my peers, my fellow evil giantesses, in the understanding that collaboration and communication are the best ways to crush as many men as possible. Keep squishing, gals!

The Merry Murder of Slave Mark M.

As Seen by Slave Mark M. Himself

It was about a couple of months ago that I stumbled across "Evil Laura's Fun page". Evil Laura is a Goddess who takes great pleasure in shrinking men and then totally humiliating them before killing them. Usually by stepping on them with her bare feet. She is a very beautiful Goddess with a body to die for and the most perfect feet I had ever had the pleasure to see. Almost any man once coming in contact with her can't resist her and usually falls deeply in Love with the Goddess. Because of this, most of Evil Laura's victims give up their lives voluntarily. Just to be with the Goddess they adore so much if even for only a few brief moments was to them worth their lives. Such is what happened to me.

At first I was only doing some innocent role playing with the Goddess. It seemed harmless enough. But after reading all of Evil Laura's stories and everything about her I knew she was someone very special. She kept on answering my mail and saying things which were drawing me closer and closer to her. She was calling me “my slave” or “ my future footstain” which I liked very much. It made me feel as though I already belonged to her or that I was her property to do with as she pleased. I began thinking that this woman really was a Goddess. It didn't take long at all before I was in Love. I realized that I was fast becoming obsessed and tried to put it behind me but couldn't. I was totally unable to get the Goddess of my dreams out of my mind. Soon I couldn't make love to my wife anymore without thinking about Evil Laura. I’d imagine how it would feel to be under my Goddess’ sexy bare foot as she began crushing me. Then I couldn’t satisfy my wife sexually because I’d be so excited that I couldn’t last long enough. I was now so in Love with my Goddess that I felt I had to meet her. Somehow...

I thought about it more and more. I knew that my Goddess lived in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This in itself was very exciting. I’d heard that Rio de Janeiro was one of the most beautiful places in the world and that they have the best looking women anywhere. Yes I’d decided I must go to Brazil to meet my Goddess in person. But how could I find her? ‘Laura’ is an internet nickname so I don’t even know her real first name much less her last name. It would be like looking for a needle in a hay stack.

After a while of pondering on the problem I had came up with the idea of hiring a private investigator. I knew they were expensive but what the heck I had the money. I found an investigator in the yellow pages and set up a meeting with him. I went and showed him Evil Laura's web page and the e-mails I had received from her and was told that it might be tough but he'd get right on the case if I wanted him to. We agreed.

About three weeks went by before I’d received the call I was waiting for. My private investigator said he had some good news. He had come up with a name and address in Brazil. He gave me the address in Rio de Janeiro and said that the woman in questions real name was Tonya1. The only problem is that he could not guarantee that the information was correct without going to Brazil to verify the facts. He asked if I wanted for him to go or not because it would cost more money. I said money is no object. (I needed to find my Goddess no matter what!)

Two more weeks had gone by and I still had not heard from my investigator. I called his wife and she was very worried also because she had not heard from him either. She said that he always checks in with her but this time she hadn’t heard a word from him. I wondered what could have happened to him. Well, I couldn't wait any longer. I had to meet my Goddess in person. I told my wife I had to go out of town on business which I so often do and booked a flight to Brazil.

Upon arriving I rented a car and checked into a nice hotel. There I studied the maps which I'd picked up after landing and found the address which my investigator had given me before he disappeared. But then I thought to myself how would I do this? Evil Laura probably won't like one of her slave admirers just showing up like that. Especially since she already has a man in her life. I had decided I would just stake the place out for now and see if I could spot my Goddess2.

I’d gotten up very early the next morning before dawn so I could find the address before Evil Laura went out for the day. I found the house just as the sun was coming up. It was a nice house along the beach. I had parked just down the street so as not to cause any alarm and waited in the car just watching. Sure enough after an hour or so an absolutely gorgeous woman came out and she had a dog on a leash. My heart skipped a few beats because I knew Evil Laura had a dog. Could this be my Goddess? I wondered. She kind of looked like a Goddess. She was much taller than I expected and had a very nice body. She had a real healthily look as though she worked out a lot. Her legs were VERY nice also and I noticed she was wearing sandals. I thought this must be my Goddess.

I had quietly gotten out of the car and began to follow her. She walked around the block and down to the beach which was still rather secluded because of the early hour. Then she had stopped walking and was looking out at the incoming waves. I thought to myself I had better keep on going by or else she would know I was following her.

[This story, by the late Evil Laura, has been republished to the Evil Women blog (http://mulheresmalvadas.blogspot.com), the new home of Laura's stories. Please refer/link back to us if you reproduce or talk about this story, and don't remove this disclaimer.]

However just as I was passing her she turned and looked right at me greeting me but I couldn’t understand her:

“I’m sorry” I said “I’m not from around here, I only speak English”

“Oh” said the beautiful woman. “I can speak English too. I was just saying it’s a very nice morning, isn’t it?”

“Yes it is very nice” I answered.

She then asked me what I was doing down here all alone if I’m not from around this area. I explained that I was on vacation from the states.

“Well. this is quite far away from the tourist area. Are you lost? What’s your name?” the woman asked.

“My name is Mark” I answered, “and yes, maybe I’m a bit lost...”

“Well Mark, I have a day off today and wouldn’t mind showing you around a little, if you’d like that.” She offered.

I thought to myself that this was the best looking woman I had ever laid eyes on, why would she want to take the trouble to show me around? I wanted to say yes but needed to find out if this was Laura or not first. (I was going to be loyal to my Goddess!)

“Maybe” I said “Can I ask you your name first”

“Oh sorry, my name is Tonya.”

I then felt a sudden rush as I realized this was indeed my Beautiful Goddess and she was talking to me face to face. I had to get a glimpse of my Goddess’ feet. As soon as Evil Laura looked away I glanced down and thought to myself my gosh it’s true. Evil Laura had the best looking feet I had ever seen in my life. She had kicked off her sandals and was sort of wiggling her toes in the sand. They were perfect. Very well tanned. Probably from her walks here on the beach, I thought. I noticed they were larger than my own feet. That’s because Evil Laura was quite a bit taller than I was as well.

Actually I’m kind of short. That’s why I’d always worked out so hard at the gym. I was lifting weights in an attempt to make up for being small. I snapped out of it when Laura asked:

“What are you looking at?”

I then got flustered and my face turned red:

“I’m very sorry, Tonya, I didn’t mean to stare... I was just thinking how beautiful you are...”

“That’s okay, I’m used to it” said Laura.

“I can imagine so” I said “but yes, that is, I’d love for you to show me around if it wouldn’t be too much trouble.”

“Ok.” said Laura “Follow me back and I’ll drop the dog back at the house.”

I tried to make small talk with Evil Laura as we walked back to her house but the truth is I was never so nervous in my whole life. I watched my Goddess as we walked back and was just mesmerized by her beauty. She was really fit to be a Goddess. But I kept wondering why was she being so nice to me3. I’m a total stranger to her. For all she knows I might be a rapist or a murderer or something. Oh well I was just grateful things were working out the way they were.

At the house Evil Laura chained up the dog in the front yard and invited me to come inside. She said it's okay because no one else was home:

“Come up to my room while I get ready.” said Laura.

You’re kidding I was actually going to see my Goddess' room. Wow! I was really excited now. Once in her room Evil Laura closed and locked the door and turned to me with kind of a sexy grin on her face:

"I know who you are." She said "I’ve been expecting you.”

“Huh?! What do you mean Tonya?” I was thinking to myself how could she possibly know.

“You’re one of the little slaves I’ve been humiliating over the internet for a couple of months. You’re not the first who’s tried to find me, you know? They all do sooner or later...”

I looked into Evil Laura's eyes and knew I couldn't lie. I confessed:

"I couldn't help it, Evil Laura. I'm so in love with you that I just had to see you. Tell me Goddess Laura how did you know it was me?”

“What do you take me for? A stupid Goddess?!” Said Laura. “When you sent that cute private investigator looking for me he made the fatal (but all to common) mistake of falling in Love with me as well. He told me everything about you in an attempt to save his life...” And here she smiled at me: “...just before I squished him.”

“What do you mean you squished him, Evil Laura?! This isn’t for real! It’s just fantasy role playing!” I said.

"I've got something I’m dying to show you." Laura said.

She pulled out a couple of pictures from her night stand and handed them to me:

"Do you recognize this man?" Laura asked.

I looked at the pictures. Oh my god! It was my private investigator. It seemed he was on his knees, looking up and begging for his life or something. Then the next picture showed Evil Laura's bare foot covering his little body and squashing him flat.

"I purposely left his head intact after squishing him so you could tell it was really him. So, as you can see all too clearly, I HAVE been expecting you." said Evil Laura. I then felt like fainting and took the liberty of sitting down on Evil Laura’s bed:

“I’m not feeling so good.” I told Laura.

“Don’t worry.” she consoled me “In a few minutes, I guarantee you won’t be feeling a thing!”

[This story, by the late Evil Laura, has been republished to the Evil Women blog (http://mulheresmalvadas.blogspot.com), the new home of Laura's stories. Please refer/link back to us if you reproduce or talk about this story, and don't remove this disclaimer.]

I was thinking to myself: how can I get out of this? Is all this for real?, I thought. If it is, I’m not ready to die yet. I’m only 40. I have a wife and kid’s back home. And a nice house.

“Please forgive me for intruding Laura” I said “I only wanted to meet you!”

“Oh, I forgive you all right, my slave, but you of all people must know that, now that you’re here, it’ll be my pleasure to kill you. I mean, I can’t have irresponsible slaves flying half way around the world to find me, can I? Really, I have no choice in the matter. But then...” she winked at me “if I had a choice, I’d choose to squish you... You understand this, don’t you, my slave?”

All kinds of thoughts were racing through my mind then. I was reasoning that shrinking is really impossible. Probably Laura faked the pictures somehow and was just playing along for my benefit. Yes, that must be it, I thought:

“Funny, Laura. You almost had me going there for a while” I said.

“Wait a minute.” Laura said “I’ll love to convince you!” She then reached for a bottle of some kind in the closet. I watched as she sprayed some stuff on the chair next to the bed and suddenly the entire chair shrunk real small.

"Not for real, huh?" laughed Evil Laura.

Oh my, it’s true!, I thought. I realized I was in real trouble. Survival instinct took over and I knocked the bottle from Evil Laura's hand and made a dash for the door. Then I felt Laura's strong hands grabbing me by the back collar and shoulder and I was quickly yanked right off my feet and landed on my back.

“Ouch, that hurt!”

My gosh!, she's really strong, I thought. Maybe she just caught me off balance. Now Evil Laura moved to stand in between me and her bedroom door. The spray bottle was back behind me so I figured I was safe: I’d just move Laura out of the way and run.

“Please step away from the door, Laura. I really do Love you but I’m not ready to die yet and I don’t want to hurt you or anything.” I said as I began to walk towards her.

“I’m sorry, sweetie, but you’ll never leave this room alive.” She said.

I now stood in front of Laura and I was so taken by her beauty and the sexy smile she was looking at me with that I was tempted to stay and submit. A big part of me wanted to. I can’t, I thought. I’ve got a wife and kids back home. I tried to gently pull my Goddess from the door. Quickly she grabbed me in a kind of a bear hug and began squeezing me. I can't believe this! How can she be so strong?! I can't breath! I realized my feet weren’t even touching the ground and it felt like she was squeezing the life right out of me with her bare arms. I was getting weak. How could she be so strong?, I thought. And what have I been going to the gym for all these years?! I wondered if she was going to kill me then:

“Please, not like this...” I managed to whisper. I stopped trying to resist. My Goddess was so strong. I was no match for her. I laid my head on her shoulder as I lost consciousness.

When I came to everything looked different. I realized I was naked. Oh no, I've been shrunk!. I'm really done for now, I thought. Then I noticed that Evil Laura was watching me:

“Oh good, you’re okay. I was worried that I might have killed you before the fun even started!” she said. “You’re really more fragile than I thought! And to think you told me you were a big strong body builder! Stretching the truth a little weren’t you, my slave?”

“I don’t understand, Goddess Laura” I said “I’ve been going to the gym for years but I’ve never felt anyone as strong as you are! How can that be, Laura?” I asked.

“It’s simple, my slave, I’m a Goddess. I’m the Goddess and you’re the slave or had you forgotten that? And it’s Evil Laura or Goddess to you.” she said.

"No, I didn't forget, Evil Laura, You really are a Goddess"

"Well, then, enough of this pointless chit-chat. Are you ready to die, my slave?" said Laura.

"But I love you so much, Goddess Laura! Maybe you could keep me in your service for awhile first. You could always kill me later..."

"That won't do my slave, you'd only be prolonging the inevitable and I want to feel you crunch now. Besides my boyfriend, whom you know as Ian, is coming over tonight and I can't have you here in the way."

"How then will you kill me Goddess Laura?" I said.

“Hmm... We’re all out of dog food right now and usually when that happens I just feed my slaves to the dog. He likes slaves better than his own food anyway. Why, you’re so small he could just swallow you up in one gulp!” exclaimed my Goddess.

“Oh no!, Goddess Laura PLEASE don’t do that. PLEASE!” I was terrified. I couldn’t think of a worse way to die even if I’d tried.

“Tell me why I shouldn’t, my slave. My dog is very hungry right now. And besides” she smiled “it amuses me a lot to know I’m denying my slaves their much dreamed bodily contact with me...”

“I’m begging you Goddess Laura, I’m begging you to please grant me the death which I’ve fantasized about all of my life which is to die beneath your most beautiful sexy bare foot. Please Goddess Laura! I beg of you, I’ll do anything.” I pleaded.

She chuckled: “You’ll do anything! Hah! What can you do for me besides dying in an amusing way? But perhaps... Well, I could always squish you for Ian’s enjoyment later tonight. It really turns him on, you know, to see how evil I can be with my slaves, and then we can have even greater sex than usual!”

“But Goddess Laura, I don’t want for anyone else to see me get squished. It’s kind of embarrassing for me. I wanted for it to be an intimate moment between you and I.”

“No, my slave. Take it or leave it. It’s either the dog or I squish you for my boyfriend’s enjoyment. Which will it be?”

It was an easy choice. The dog terrified me beyond belief. At least later with Ian here I’d still get to be squished by my Goddess’ bare foot which I longed for so much.

“I choose later, my Goddess” I answered.

“Good choice, my slave. That’s what it would be anyway.” said Laura as she grabbed me up: “I’ll put you in here for safe keeping until tonight. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it...”

Laura placed me into one of her workout sneakers and then wedged a sock over top of the opening.

“Now I’m going out. Don’t even think about trying to escape” said Evil Laura. “I’m freeing the dog before I leave and if he sees you, you’ll be history. Don’t you dare to deny me the pleasure of crunching you myself!”

That’s all she had to say and I wasn’t going to budge from where I was. Anyway, I was kind of turned on being in one of my Goddess’ sneakers. It had an odor but it was kind of pleasant. To think I was laying in my Goddess’ shoe was quite exciting. I was exhausted from everything that happened to me. I settled in for a nap.

After many hours I heard Evil Laura come home and upstairs to check on me.

[This story, by the late Evil Laura, has been republished to the Evil Women blog (http://mulheresmalvadas.blogspot.com), the new home of Laura's stories. Please refer/link back to us if you reproduce or talk about this story, and don't remove this disclaimer.]

“I see that you didn’t try to escape, my slave. Good.” said my Goddess.

“No, I’ve accepted my fate, Goddess Laura. After all, it’s what I’ve fantasized about my whole life... You’re so beautiful, Evil Laura. It will be an honor for me to die under your heavenly sole.” I said.

“Thank you, slave. The thought that you’ll enjoy being squished by my foot pleases me a lot.” and she grinned at me “Now I have to get ready, Ian will be here any minute. I told him what’s in store for tonight and he said he can’t wait. He is very excited! And, if you’re lucky, I might even let you watch first as your Goddess makes love to a real man!”

Laura then straightened up her room. She brought up a bottle of wine with a couple of glasses. It didn’t take long before I heard the door bell ring and Evil Laura went running down the stairs.

My Goddess entered the bedroom with her boyfriend and came over pointing to me. I couldn’t understand her because she was speaking to Ian in Portuguese. They were talking about me, though. She was showing Ian a couple of rubber bands for some reason. I was still in my Goddess’ sneaker which was sticking out of an open top dresser drawer. Then my Goddess put some music on and poured the wine. Her and Ian sat on the bed talking for awhile. I watched from the sneaker as they caressed each other and began to kiss. They did appear to be in love. I felt jealous. I wondered if her boyfriend knew just how lucky he was to have a real Goddess for his girlfriend. When they began to remove each others clothes I couldn’t look anymore. I was too jealous of my Goddess. How I wished I could be the one making love to her, I thought as I sank back in the sneaker.

A few minutes after that I heard Evil Laura’s voice saying happily:

“It’s time, my dear little slave. Are you ready to be squished by your Goddess as I make love to a real man? I can only hope it’ll be as good for you as it’ll be for me but... Who am I kidding, right?” and she reached in to retrieve me from the sneaker. My Goddess was totally naked and I felt SO envious of her body. Truly no one else with this much beauty has ever lived.

Evil Laura had me in one hand and those two rubber band in the other. I wondered what those were for. Then I found out. Laura sat on the bed and held up her foot. She then placed me against her sole facing towards it. She held me against her sole while Ian placed a rubber band around her foot and over my back. Then the other rubber band went around her foot and over my legs.

I was pinned against Laura’s foot. At that time I was scared but had never felt so good in my life. Laura’s sole was so soft and smooth and just slightly sweaty. I felt as though I was in heaven for sure. I almost had an accident right there but tried not to because I’m sure Evil Laura would be angry if I made a mess on her foot. She might crush me right away. I knew that I was going to die within minutes anyway but I wanted to enjoy this as long as possible. Gosh, I love my Goddess so much!

Then I felt my Goddess lay back on the bed and I felt myself being raised way up into the air. I squirmed up to where I could get my head in between Evil Laura’s big and second toe, licking as I went. I was then able to look down and see my Goddess below me making love with Ian who was laying on top of her. My Goddess’ beautiful legs were wrapped around her boy friends body with her feet locked in at the top. I was looking straight down and noticed that my Goddess was staring right at me from in between her toes. She gave me a wink while she passionately made love with Ian. I felt so alive at that moment! This was truly worth dying for, I thought. My fantasy was being fulfilled even better than I ever imagined. I never knew such pleasure was possible. I love my Goddess so much!

Then I noticed that Laura was beginning to moan as if she was becoming more excited. I knew that she was going to squish me at the moment of her orgasm and that I didn’t have long to live. I didn’t care. As I looked down at my beautiful Goddess, I could see the sexual pleasure on her face. She was moaning more loudly! This made me so excited. I couldn’t hold myself back anymore. I lost it.

I came against the bottom of my Goddess’ foot and it was the best orgasm I’d ever had. I was dizzy all over but was able to notice Laura was lowering her foot over the side of the bed towards the floor. I felt my back touch the floor just gently. Evil Laura’s sexy sole was pinning me down with her toes curled up. Now I heard my Goddess moaning very loudly and the pressure from her foot began to increase.

She’s having an orgasm! This is it! It’s so exhilarating to know that my Goddess will achieve a better orgasm as she feels my bones crunch under her sexy foot. I felt more alive right now than I ever had before. I love you my Goddess!

Then the pressure became unbearable. I felt my legs snapping in several places. I couldn’t breath anymore. The unbelievable pressure on my chest kept increasing. I could feel my rib cage bending in. Then I felt my body give and everything went black.

My Goddess, whom I loved so much, had squished me like a worm. She pressed down so hard during her orgasm that even the marrow was ground right out of my bones. She wiggled her beautiful sexy toes in my squished juices to savor the moment as she kissed Ian passionately.

That was the end of my life. But it was worth it. I’d do it again if I could. I Love you Evil Laura!

Some Comments by the Goddess...

1. Tonya?! Couldn’t my stupid slave have selected a more Portuguese or Latin American sounding name? What kind of Brazilian (or, as for that matter, Hispanic, French, Italian, etc) would be called Tonya?! But it’s his moronic fantasy, right?

2. Kids, I can’t overstress this: slave Mark is not a professional and neither are you. Don’t try this at home!

3. When you are an all-powerful Goddess who knows you can control and overpower anyone, you can afford to be nice to eventual rapists... :) Let them come! It’ll be my pleasure to take care of them!

Isn't It Amazing How Low Human Beings (sic) Can Go? I Can Only Imagine (And Laugh to Myself as I Do) How Many Times Has Slave Mark Jerked Off to his Own Pathetic Words!! What a Loser! Slave Mark was a good boy and so I didn't feed him to my dog! Instead, I made his deepest, fondest wish come true!! Ok, I hate to admit it, but I have to: slave Mark wasn't so insignificant, after all. Sex with him being crushed beneath my foot was MUCH better!



If it were a giantess destroying those towers, maybe we'd all have cheered. As it was, Sept.11 was a dark day in world history. May our American brothers choose their new leader wisely.

Evil Laura's The Sandal Strap

Below, you have the third Evil Laura shrinking story, as saved from her site. The story is sadly unfinished. According to her introduction, the plot was suggested to her by an email she received from a slave. So, after the story breaks (apparently, she lost interest) she quotes the original email so that the readers know how her story would have developed.


[reproduction of a story originally posted to Laura's website]

"July 9th, 1998 — Definitive Version

This is a fairly long story (16,400 words) so please allow the page some time to load.

Disclaimer: this story contains various passages not suitable for a healthy brain to digest and it is intended for the seriously demented only — the author included. If you don't fit in this category, please leave now or continue and consider yourself forewarned. My target audience is, mostly, pathetic tiny men who get their kicks from reading about the exploits of sexy evil women as myself. You'll all get a chance to appear here and be squashed, my dear slaves, I assure you. And, secondly, this story is also intended for my peers, my fellow evil giantesses, in the understanding that collaboration and communication are the best ways to crush as many men as possible. Keep squishing, gals!

Evil Queen Laura III:
The Sandal Strap

by the Goddess of Perversity Herself, a.k.a. Tormentress Supreme, Epitome of Satanic Loveliness, Towering Titaness of Destruction, Evil Seductress, Omnipotent Deity Of Destruction, Tormentress from Hell, Titanic Goddess of Terror, Evil Incarnate, Destroyer of Men, etc. (I haven't made up any of these titles — they are all sweet flatteries from my slaves; as they come up with more titles, I'll add them to the list...) & Ian

It all began with a jerk and his annoying question: “But would you really do it?” he asked, on his very first e-mail to me.

And I replied: “Of course I would. I’m Evil Laura, the Goddess of Perversity. That’s what I do. Maybe you should have asked a different question: would I really miss the chance of doing it? Don’t bet on it: crushing tiny men is still one of my favorite pastimes!”

But the guy wouldn’t lay off: “No, no. That’s not what I mean. I’m talking about real life here. If this wasn't fantasy and I could really be shrunk would you REALLY crunch my little body for REAL in real life? Kill a human being in cold blood? Please tell me, I need to know! Gosh, if only it could come true!”

Keep this last sentence in mind and you won’t even have to read this story: after all, you already know all that is going to happen...

I fear I’m not conveying what a pain in the neck this guy was, but I don’t want to bore you like he bored me. This mail I have just quoted was sent to me not just once or twice: several variations of it were piling up in my inbox folder.

“Evil Laura” told him yes, she would do it, yes, she was the wickedest of them all, yes, she would squish him beneath her soles, blah blah blah. After all, when I incorporate the Evil Laura “persona”, I’m really capable of remorselessly destroying an entire city!

Our correspondence grew, he worshipped me more and more and I have to admit I enjoyed his praises, how he thought my evilness was so sexy, how he would love to give his life to me. And I made good on the offer: I stepped on him several times — to his everlasting delight, needless to say — not to mention some other cruelties, and everything was going as smoothly as a Giantess mailing fantasy could. The only problem was the repetitive question that still closed all of his letters: “But really, in real life, no role-playing, would you be able to do it?”

[This story, by the late Evil Laura, has been republished to the Evil Women blog (http://mulheresmalvadas.blogspot.com), the new home of Laura's stories. Please refer/link back to us if you reproduce or talk about this story, and don't remove this disclaimer.]

Finally, one day he caught me in an exceptionally good mood and I decided to drop the “Evil Laura” persona for a while and give him a real life answer. I told him no, of course not. I’m a total vegetarian and I don’t even wear leather — somehow that always makes me think of Bootslave and his Boot Goddess stories. *sigh* I would never have qualified as one of this leather jacket Boot Goddesses. Anyway, I told the guy that I even considered fishing to be immoral: men had no right to go out killing other animals, whether cattle or oysters. So, I would be the last person to actually kill anything!

But don’t you even step on bugs?, he asked. Curiously, the answer was still no. I have met women on the Internet who walked into the Giantess world through the “crushing” door: they’ve always had some perverse pleasure in crushing bugs and other animals, eventually they began to fantasize that those bugs were tiny men and... Bingo! They were Giantesses.

As for myself, as I always explain, I came into the Giantess community through the opposite door. I always had this mean streak in me since my earliest age: I admired the TV and comic book’s villainesses and, when I had my girlish daydreams, I was never the damsel in distress but always the sexy villainess, sexy and in control, trying to take over the world. Then, a foot-fetish freak of a boyfriend came along, whose idea of a perfect day was to suck my toes from morning till night, and I began to learn how to use his obsession in my favor. Before he could reach my so treasured feet, he had to humiliate himself and to submit to all kinds of cruelties I would devise. And, in the end, we were both happy: he was finally tasting my toes — god knows he had to endure some hardships to get there! :) — and I was feeling malignant, evil and powerful, with a broken man by my feet who would have undergone any of my wicked games for the dubious “privilege” of licking the dirt of my royal soles. As the relationship progressed, I probed him further, trying to find out how far would he go for my feet: the humiliations became harsher and, when it all finally ended, I was still trying to devise more and different ways to use my very feet to be cruel to him. So, I found myself single and with an even meaner streak than before — not to mention that I had learned to enjoy having my feet pampered and worshipped. That was my frame of mind when I discovered the Giantess world. I was excited, first of all, because being a Giantess was the culmination of my earliest fantasies: the chance to be evil on a mega scale, to do massive destruction, to take over the world, to be a villainess! But being a Giantess also meant an instant answer to the problem I was struggling with for months and that was still on the back of my mind: how to be as evil as possible with my feet! A Giantess’ foot is a murder weapon “par excellence”: I could do anything! Now, on my lonely nights, I fantasized about squeezing my former boyfriend to death between the toes he had sucked so much and these sort of things: if I had only discovered Giantesses a few months earlier...

Well, sorry for the detour but I was only trying to explain how could I have become such an Evil Giantess without first passing through the stage of live bug crushing. I have never crushed a bug and I never will: nor ants nor any other animal. I’m first and foremost an evil woman, then I’m an evil giantess, but always evil to men only, not to some tiny defenseless creature.

My cyber-slave, however, wasn’t going to leave it at that: “I can’t believe it! Not even bugs! What kind of evil giantess are you? I don’t believe you have never stepped on a bug.” and it went on and on. It looked as if no answer would ever satisfy this creep!

Once more, I dropped my “Evil Laura” persona and I gave him a full and honest real life reply, hoping that this would finally settle the matter. I told him yes, he was right in a way: I would do it. But not to bugs or ants or other animals. And if I grew, I also wouldn’t stomp towns, or destroy private property, or kill innocent people. In fact, of all existing animals, there was only one kind I would deliberately step on and feel good about it: the Giantess freak! If some perverted twerp dreams about a gigantic foot grinding his body to pulp, who am I to deny him that PLEASURE?

Oh boy. There he came again: “I can’t believe it! Would you really do it? If we ever meet and I’m a shrunken man, would you step on me? Would you be able to look me in the eye and kill me? You’re not that evil! I know you. You’re a girl with a computer, a modem and an imagination. You just couldn’t.”

What my cyber-slave didn’t know, however, neither he nor anyone else, was that I was not only capable of squishing tiny Giantess freaks but also that I had already done so several times.

It would be my pleasure to make sure he found that out.


If you’re reading this, my third Shrinking story, I’m assuming you have already read the other two — you’d better! Then, you know that early last year, 1997, when I practically lived on the #!!Giantess channel on Dalnet, I accidentally stumbled upon a weird combination of keyboard commands that transported anyone I was chatting with to my house. It would have been a cheap way to travel if it weren’t for two minor setbacks: one, that when my chat companions arrive here, they are usually no taller than 5 cm; and two, I have no idea how to send then back or how to restore them to their original size. In other words, a real one-way trip, if there was ever one.

At first, I was every bit as stunned as the tiny men popping out of nowhere on top of my table: I only had the advantage — a BIG advantage — of size. When I realized I had no way to send them back or to undo whatever I’d done to them, it became painfully obvious that they had to be disposed of. My second Shrinking story, Rites of Passage, tells the tale of one of the first men I killed and how weird it all was. But eventually I got the hang of it. Once my initial restraints were laid aside, I can honestly confess I had a ball. How the #!!Giantess channel survived I have no idea: I must have squished more than half of the guys who had ever been there. Sometimes I held real crush fests in my room: low grade at college? bad attitude from the boss? Nothing that half a dozen scared tiny men wouldn’t cure.

Ok, I know what you’re thinking: did I have no mercy? didn’t I feel pity for them? didn’t I feel guilty for all those deaths? etc. The answer is a flat no. For me, playing with them was like playing with my former boyfriend. On one hand, I felt evil and malignant, I knew I was purposely torturing him for my personal pleasure and this is a wonderful sensation. On the other hand, though, I also knew that I was giving him what he wanted the most — my feet — and that he was ecstatic about it.

Unimportant details aside, the same applies to my tiny men. Yes, I felt evil. And that’s a glorious feeling. I felt like I was so powerful I could take on the whole world, no one could resist me, no one could survive me: I was the ultimate ruler and I decided who lived and who died. Hmm, what a rush! Sometimes I orgasmed just by verbally teasing my future victims: the combination of my own evil words and their terrified expressions was enough for me. And the more evil I was — although many were quickly stomped, some died slow and painful deaths — the more sexy I felt, the more desirable I became. The fact that the slaves would say anything to survive, mostly praise of my evilness or my beauty, only increased my self-assurance. For as long as my “crush” phase lasted, in fact, I never went out on a date without first bringing in some tiny man to boost my morale: after having had ultimate power over a person’s life — and having used it to cruelly snuff that life out — it was a much more confident and happy Laura that walked out the door to meet her dates.

So, was I evil? Of course. Lady Macbeth would look like a nun compared to me. And I haven’t even described some of the slow deaths I sometimes inflicted on my slaves.

On the other hand, the example of my former boyfriend still applies: I was giving them, after all, what they wanted. They should have been happy. They should have been grateful. After I brought them in, I even reviewed their logs carefully and went to great lengths to please them. “So,” I would read out loud “your most cherished dream is to be impaled by a stiletto heel, huh?” and I would steal one of my sister’s pairs (I have none, I hate those things!) and, even worse, make the sacrifice of wearing it only to grant some total stranger his utmost sexual fantasy. How many women out there are granting men their deepest desires? As I said, they should have been grateful — especially this particular guy, because it took me forever to wipe him out off of the shoe...!

So, was I evil? No! I was nicer than most women I know! I was a fairy, a genie, granting wishes and asking nothing in return, delivering extreme happiness to people I didn’t even know. How could I feel bad or guilty? I felt good! I felt great!

Most tiny men would give me their best shots in the effort not to die, of course: you can’t blame them for trying to survive. Some would show me tiny pictures of their kids, others would promise to give me all their money upon safe return, but it was all moot: I knew there was no safe return for any of them. Once I was even tempted: this guy wanted to give me his credit card number so that I could buy anything I wanted on the net, or wire all his money to my bank account, but I declined. You see, we all have to draw our lines somewhere. As much as I needed the money, that would have been morally and ethically wrong. That man’s particular fantasy was to be popped like a grape between giant toes — a wish I delightfully granted, amidst his cries of “The money! The money!” — NOT to have his life savings cleared by an unscrupulous Giantess. Besides, his widow and kids would need the money more than I did. I already had the thrill of feeling him crunch, plus my clear conscience, and that was enough.

Eventually, however, even something as fun as this can lose its interest. After a few months, there was no one left I wanted to crush on #!!Giantess. I think my turning point was this one night when I was a bit depressed and in need of a tiny men to whisper me some words of praise and worship. To be treated like a Goddess, you know. Unfortunately, there was not a single jerk or impertinent dork available on the channel: the house was full but everyone there was my friend and most had gentle giantess fantasies. In my desperation, I almost brought any one of them (I was used that I was to just grabbing the man that I wanted) when it dawned on me that this was a really low point in my life.

From that day on, I left the channel never to come back again: I never even said good-bye so as not to flirt with temptation. And time went on, my dear reader. It’s been more than a year since I squashed my last tiny man and I had almost forgotten all about it. Now, on early May, 1998, I’ve been on a steady relationship with this guy, Ian, for almost a year and he has made me forget many things.

Nevertheless, thanks to him, I’m back in the Giantess community. I slowly introduced him to my fantasy, he embraced it, got enthusiastic about it, wrote a story featuring the infamous “Evil Laura”, talked me into putting up a web site to host our stories (stories that I would have to translate, of course) and, all in all, if it weren’t for him this page wouldn’t exist and you wouldn’t be reading this story.

I still keep my temptations in check, though, and I don’t intend to go back to mIRC or to #!!Giantess — as much as I like the place. But I’m still a fairy-genie and I have wishes to grant. In other words, there are still people out there dying to be stomped by an evil woman and I continue to be pleased to oblige them. Now, of course, there are two major differences: it’s all over e-mail instead of IRC and, secondly, it’s all pure, harmless role-play and no one gets actually squished.

That is, until now.


So what that I had promised never to do this again? Promises are made to be broken, right? C’mon! I’ve introduced you to this guy. You only had to read about one-hundredth of what he wrote and I bet he already annoys you as much as he annoys me. Besides, I had no idea if my “transportation” trick was going to work via e-mail. But I certainly wanted to try!

Guess what? It worked the first time around. When he replies, he always quotes my entire mail. So, I typed the right sequence of keyboard commands on the bottom of my last message to him and I waited. It was a long wait. I was checking my mail every ten seconds out of pure nervousness. Then, a college friend called me to brag about how hard our upcoming Economics exam would be. As I had no idea we were having an exam so soon, I simply freaked out and began to study right away. I completely forgot my slave and the lesson I was planning to teach him — right now, I needed some tutoring myself! It was only later that night, during one of my breaks, that I remembered to check the mail. I was a wreck already, my head seemed about to explode with so much Economics, but I wouldn’t give up my play. Who knows? It would probably even improve my mood!

There are always lots of new messages — my loyal slaves never leave me alone — and I had no way of knowing if one of them was from Mark Orion. Suddenly, though, as soon as his message had finished downloading and appeared on my screen, he popped out of thin air beside my keyboard.

“What... who... oh my...”

The poor thing was totally disoriented. Of course he didn’t know who I was — we’ve never met and I post no pics of mine on the web. I looked at him with surprise (that was easy, I REALLY WAS surprised) and asked:

“Oh my god! Who are you? What happened? You’re so tiny...”

“I... I... Oh my... What’s happened?!” he murmured.

My slave was a good looking thirty-something man, no shirt and very well defined muscles. Yes, this was definitely a body-builder. I wanted to giggle from pure delight, but I had to keep a serious face. These are my favorite victims. Don’t get me wrong, I like handsome men as much the next girl, but they have the most annoying tendency to be over-aware of this fact. All the handsome men I had ever dated always seemed to be paying more attention to themselves than to ME. A lesson in humility would suit him fine. Also, he would learn how pointless all those hours at the gym were: out there he might be strong, but in my lair... His muscles would be worthless even against my pinky toe!

“What’s the last thing you remember?” I asked, maintaining my serious face.

“Well, I was sending this e-mail to a friend” Yeah, right, friend my ass “and as soon as I clicked on ‘send’ I was transported to this sort of vacuum, a big black nothingness. I have no idea how long I was there! It might have been months! What day is today?”

“May 8th, 1998.”

He was totally stunned: “You mean I was in there for only a few hours? I sent that e-mail this afternoon! It seemed like an eternity in there! Oh my... I’m so glad to be out—

And then it dawned on him that he may have escaped the black nothingness but he was far from being out of the jam.

As for me, I was already feeling better. Of course the jerk didn’t come here directly, as when I used mIRC: his own e-mail pushed him into cyberspace and then to my service provider and he stayed in there — the black nothingness — until I downloaded my messages. I was actually glad for my Economics exam. If it hadn’t been for it, I would have checked my mail every five seconds and Mark Orion wouldn’t have gotten such a well-deserved punishment. To know that he had spent a few hours in a place where it felt like months was already enough to lift my spirits. The wretched fellow seemed drained and I hadn’t even begun to play yet... :)

With a distinct talent for the obvious, he finally shouted:

“Oh my god, you’re gigantic!”

“I’ll take that as a compliment, Mark Orion. You look very thin yourself...”

He recognized my style:

“Laura?” he muttered.

“It’s Evil Laura to you. Or Queen Laura. Or Owner, Goddess. Not Laura!”

“Laura!” he stated.

“You never could obey instructions, could you?” I smiled at him.

“Where am I?”

“In my bedroom.”

“In Brazil.”

“Since that’s where I live, it seemed reasonable to have my bedroom here, yes.”

“What am I doing here?”

Why did he take so long? I had been waiting for him to ask that for hours! I lowered my head on the table so that our eyes were more or less on the same level and I moved my face next to him. If he didn’t know me better, he might have thought I was going to swallow him. But I just smiled my sweetest smile and breathed these sweet words onto him:

“You came here to die!” I love saying that! I must have already said this sentence, with slight variations, hundreds of times and it never fails to send a jolt of pleasure through my body.

It was an even greater thrill to see the look on his poor face as I pronounced his death sentence: “You can’t mean that. I mean... You wouldn’t, right, you—

His confusion was so cute: “Slave, nobody knows you’re here, nobody will ever know. You’ll never leave this room alive. Accept it and let’s move on.”

Mark Orion’s legs gave and he fell on his ass, desolated: “But... but... why?”

“Because you annoyed me. Because it will be fun. And, most of all,” Hmm, this is a classic too, and a personal favorite: “because I can!”

“That’s what you do to people who annoy you? You kill them?!”

I giggled and stroked him lightly in the hair: “Now, now, you have to admit it’s a fool-proof way to guarantee that they’ll never bug me again!”

Why did I ever stop doing this? What got into me? I must have been out of my mind! Having a tiny slave at my mercy like this is almost too good to be true. I had forgotten how delicious it was!

“I’m really sorry I bugged you, Laura, it’s—

I stomped my fist on the table right next to where he was standing: “Address me correctly!”

He fell down, stood up, stuttered and started again: “I’m sorry, my goddess. I never meant to bug you. I was just trying to keep the conversation going, it was all fantasy, role play, right?”

“If it had been up to me, yes, it would have been all role-play and fantasy, but no! Someone insisted on bringing “real life” into the picture! And then this someone proceeded to argue against every single thing I said. I’ll give you a taste of real life, all right, but bear in mind that, to you, the word “life” only means a couple of hours at most!”

“But it’s murder!”

“No, it isn’t.” I shrugged. “I like to think of it as pest control: if Giantess freaks keep proliferating without some sort of natural enemy, they might take over mankind... I’m your natural enemy! Also, genetic damage control: destroying you before you can spread your defective DNA around and spoil mankind’s genetic pool... Well, it can also be considered euthanasia or mercy killing, since you’re so stupid as to be clinically brain dead...”

[This story, by the late Evil Laura, has been republished to the Evil Women blog (http://mulheresmalvadas.blogspot.com), the new home of Laura's stories. Please refer/link back to us if you reproduce or talk about this story, and don't remove this disclaimer.]

He was stretched there on my table, with a distant and blank look on his face. I can bet he was seeing his whole life pass through his eyes: what a boring movie it must have been!

“But you know what I really like to call it? Generous and unselfish granting of desires. Think of me as your personal Giant genie. You had a wish to be stepped on and crushed to death by an evil, uncaring woman and I’ll make that come true. Aren’t you grateful? You know, not everyone has the chance to fulfill their deepest desires before dying... Don’t you remember what I wrote you? That the only kind of people I would ever step on FOR REAL were the Giantess freaks... You doubted me and I’ll now...” I bit my lips as if I regretted my next words: “I’ll have to prove it to you!”

Mark Orion now had let his head fall and he was trembling. I couldn’t believe it. The spineless jerk was crying on me!

“C’mon, slave.” I said, using my best motherly tone “Cheer up! I won’t do anything you wouldn’t like! For the past days, all you’ve been doing is telling me how you would love this, how this is your fondest dream...”

He looked up at me, his face all red, swollen and wet — what a disgusting sight! — and he began to shout. He was shouting at me! Can you believe that?

“You can’t do this! Who do you think you are? Send me back now, this is no joke, why did I ever want to browse the Internet for anyway?!”

I sat back in my chair to enjoy the show. That’s something you don’t see everyday: a man going totally hysterical. It’s not even common among tiny men either. They usually go into denial or they try to patronize and worship me in the hope of escaping or being spared. Only a few had ever flipped out so completely as Mark Orion was doing now. Most of his words were so garbled by his tears and sobbing — beside the fact that he was really being incoherent — that I couldn’t understand much, but it went more or less like this:

“You think you’re so cool, don’t you, oh my god, my stock, I should have sold them yesterday, no no no, it can’t be, this is a dream, I always knew this Giantess thing would get me into trouble, please please, I have a family, I have a business to run, don’t do that to me, you can’t do that to me, your witch...” It goes on and on. What a performance. I looked at my watch, Seinfeld was about to start but this was better. Much better.

I reclined myself even more in the chair and, as seductively as I could, I placed my barefeet on the table. He was such a foot freak that the mere sight of my giant toes might bring him back to his senses. Or so I thought. In one of his mails, he told me that he had been licking women’s feet all his life — how pathetic can that be? — and that he had dreams about a giant female foot he could spend days and days licking and never quite finish it. Well, there it was, right by his side.

He didn’t even blink at my feet! This is serious, I thought. Besides being as huge as he had fantasized them, my feet are also (according to some other foot freak experts I know) perfect and gorgeous. And tasty — YUCK! Anyway, Mark Orion, totally oblivious to my allure, was now pacing faster and faster, running in fact, gesticulating a lot, and I couldn’t make out a word of what he was saying, it was all garbled together in one long, meaningless grumble. In fact, he was beginning to dangerously approach the edge of the table and the last thing I wanted was for him to have an easy way out.

The bottom line was this: if he continued in such a frenzy, there would be no play, no talking, no nothing. What fun is there in teasing, mocking, feeding false hopes, torturing and killing a man who’s out of his mind? No way, José! He was my first tiny victim in more than a year and I wasn’t going to waste my opportunity for some cruel fun. I had to flip him out of it. Ok, Laura, time for a hope enhancement shock treatment. I put my feet down — they were greatly offended by being ignored by such a foot freak — and I approached him.

“Calm down! Do you hear me? Calm down!”

He interrupted his pacing for a second and I went on:

“I was kidding, ok? I’m sorry! I just wanted to tease you for a while, there’s no reason to be hysterical like that!”

Ok, now I had his attention. He had stopped still and he was looking at me:

“I’m offended, you know?! Who do you take me for? Some barbarian? A ruthless murderer? I would never have expected this from you! We’ve been mailing for weeks, it’s been fun! I know a lot about you, you’ve told me some of your most intimate secrets and desires. We’re pen-pals, we’re...” A dramatic pause here: “...FRIENDS! And you thought I would just kill you like that, in cold blood?!”

Bare-faced lying is almost second nature to me, I’m proud to say. Another specialty of mine are displays of outraged moral indignation while planning evil deeds — I learned that from TV preachers... And it never ceases to amaze me how fast people believe in what they want to hear — TV preachers know that trick too!

Slightly calmer, Mark Orion looked around for the first time:

“You have a very nice room. Lots of bookshelves and stuff.” Don’t judge a person by the book covers in her room, Mark... “You look like an intelligent, sensible person. You’re right...”

He was finally getting a sense of his surroundings, thinking with a clearer mind:

“In your mails, you’ve worshipped me and adored me so much that I thought it might be fun to bring you over, meet you face to face, and maybe, if I liked you and if you begged right, I’d allow you to lick my feet... But apparently you didn’t appreciate this...” I rehearsed a tear. Men can’t resist a girl’s tear. It wins every argument.

“No, Laura, no, please! It’s my fault!” He said, extending his arms to me. This time, in the interest of my long-term goal, I let him get away with the Laura “I didn’t want you to be hurt. It’s obvious you meant no harm! How could I ever consider you capable of stepping on a man as if he were a bug!”

Yeah, you’re not clairvoyant or anything, how could you have foreseen that?!

I smiled at him: “I don’t even step on bugs.” And that was totally true!

He nodded and giggled too: “I know, I know. I remember it now when you said that. It was just plain stupid of me... I’m so sorry! But... seriously now, how did you do it!?”

I could have told him. Why not? He wasn’t going to tell anyone anything else ever again, that’s for sure. But then I had a flash of all my childhood role models, from Catwoman to a number of 007’s bad girls, and I said to myself: why risk it? I’m a post-modern villainess: I don’t like risks. I’m doing this for my own personal fun: I don’t care about honor or fair play and he’s certainly not supposed to have even a fighting chance of survival. All he’s supposed to do is to die whenever it amuses me the most. Period.

So, I gave him a sly look and a grin: “It’s a secret, dear. I can’t tell you! This might be a terrible weapon if it falls on the wrong hands!” And I wriggled my fingers at him. If only he knew that the weapon had already fallen into the worst possible hands...

“And how will you send me back?”

“The same way you came. After we’ve played for a while...”

“Laura, I give you my most solemn word I’ll never tell anyone about this, I’ll defend this secret with my life and—

And I exploded in a fit of laughter, I just couldn’t hold it. His puny nobility was so ridiculous! Not to mention unnecessary, of course. I had to give him an explanation, though:

“I’m sorry, darling. You don’t have to promise me anything. I can’t give you any details, but it’s like this: I’ve brought you here through a place we might call, let’s see, the third dimension. Your real body stays there and a part of your consciousness is transported here and given form. Whatever happens here or whatever you learn here will not affect your body lying on the third dimension. So, when I send you back, you’ll have no knowledge whatsoever of anything that’s happened in the meantime.”

“Pretty interesting concept...” He mused.

If you’re curious about how could I come up with such a load of crap so fast, let me tell you that the speech was already on the tip of my tongue. It wasn’t the first time I had to give false assurances to over-frightened slaves.

“Does that apply to my physical body too, as well as to my mind?”

Giantess freaks are all alike. They all ask that. They all have the same thing on their minds.

“Oh yeah!” I replied, sounding emphatic “I found that out the worst possible way. One of my slaves — perhaps you know him, Bugseye — was playing with my toes and I accidentally applied too much pressure...”

“You killed him?”

“Hey, it was an accident!” Moral outrage here we go! “Tiny men are SO very fragile, I’ve learned that by now. I just wriggled one toe a little and he just cracked. It was terrible. I was crushed.” Ok, we’re both crushed! “But then it occurred to me that his body might not be affected too and I sent him back anyway. Next thing I knew he was e-mailing me. It was the greatest relief of my life!”

“Well, let’s not try that, shall we?”

“Of course not! Why take chances?” That’s my motto, right, guys? :)

Now it was time for the second Giantess freak predictable question:

“So you’ve brought other people here?”

“Yeah, sure! Almost everyone on #!!Giantess, back when I used to hang around there, has already dropped by. Of course, no one remembers it, but I do... It’s great!”

“You must have funny stories about them, how they behave, etc...”

I grinned widely at him: “I’ll tell you ALL about it, don’t worry!” It might frighten you a little, but I can tell! No problem here!

And then it came: the third Giantess freak more or less predictable question. I say “more or less” because some of the dumber ones miss this point entirely:

“But if I’m not going to remember anyway, why don’t you tell me how does this device of yours works? I’m curious.”

I leveled my eyes with his again. He was calm now and I was getting awfully tired of all this “nice girl” talk. I’m really not cut out to be a nice girl. I can only stand it for so long and then... boom! My good old nature resurfaces. But I made an effort:

“Very simple. As I said before, why take chances? I still don’t understand fully how this thing works. What if you come back with your memories? Right now, all you’ll have is an extraordinary — not to mention ridiculous — tale of being shrunk and transported. But if I tell you how to do it, who knows what might happen? So far I must have brought hundreds of people here, and no one remembered, but I don’t feel like taking the chance... What if one remembered and just didn’t tell me?” I pointed a wriggly finger at him: “You never know!”

He sat down again, this time calmly, and let this head rest on my keyboard. He was making himself at home!

“I understand it, Laura, no problem.”

Dealing with my slaves, besides being so naughty and fun, is also a study on human nature. You see, Mark Orion was faced with two possibilities:

1)All the crap about third dimension and not remembering blah blah blah, or

2) The fact that he had just been both shrunk and transported over two continents via the Internet and that now he was on the room of a total stranger in a far away land, not to mention the fact that this stranger had a bad reputation and had already said she would kill you...

Well, it’s amazing how fast people choose to believe option number one! Hope is an amazing thing. I purposely tried to make my story as senseless as possible, but to no avail: they insist in believing it and they believe in it FAST. What a bunch of morons! What else can you expect from guys who enjoy to grovel in the floor and to lick dirt from smelly toes — and whose sexual fantasy is, to put it in simple words, die? Let’s face it, they deserve whatever it is I do to them. And I’m very creative!

Now, though, the fucker was TOO relaxed, all spread out on my table, reclining on my keyboard... But there’s a cure for that:

“Call me Evil Laura, please. Or Goddess of Perversity... You know how I enjoy being praised for my evilness...”

Mark Orion gave me a sideways smile: “Still with the role play, huh?”

I propped my feet on top of the desk again. Let’s see if now he pays attention: “Sure, why not, as long as we’re here...”

Wow, what a reaction! One of the fastest head turns I had ever seen. My feet were not particularly smelly that night — I had been going barefoot all day — but I’m sure that to Mark Orion’s tiny nostrils, any slight smell would have been overwhelming.

“You know, Laura... I mean, my Goddess...” He gasped, walking towards my feet and never taking his eyes off them. “In the middle of all this mess, I hadn’t noticed how gorgeous you are...”

It’s makes no difference. This is always annoying whether the man is gawking at your breasts or at your feet:

“You mean I’m gorgeous or are my feet gorgeous?”

He realized his goof and turned his gaze to my eyes. Then, he gasped again. It looked like he was actually seeing me for the first time:

“My god, you’re gorgeous! You...” His eyes traveled down my huge body “What is a woman like you doing at home on a Friday night such as today?”

Only then did I remember it:

“My exam!” I exclaimed “I was studying for my Economics exam when your mail — and you — came!”

“E-exam?” he stuttered.

“Boy, am I in trouble! I’ve got to have all this crammed into my head by Monday morning!”

[This story, by the late Evil Laura, has been republished to the Evil Women blog (http://mulheresmalvadas.blogspot.com), the new home of Laura's stories. Please refer/link back to us if you reproduce or talk about this story, and don't remove this disclaimer.]

Instinctively, I jumped from my chair and moved towards my bed, where my books were:

“Wait!” He shouted, in almost desperation “Weren’t we going to play a little?”

He looked just like... Hmm, let’s use a realistic metaphor here: he looked like a foot freak denied toes! I knew that look well. I used to do that for kicks with my former boyfriend all the time.

“I’m SO sorry, dear! Today was the worst possible day — this whole weekend in fact!”

“I majored in Economics.” He tried.

“Yeah, yeah.” Like I’d fall for THAT!

“No, really. I mean that. Maybe I can help you out.”

“I doubt it. My exam and my books are in Portuguese. We’re in Brazil, remember? How much do you know about Brazilian economic policies of the last three decades?”

“Weeeeell...” He looked positively crushed. How could he argue with that? “I was looking forward to hear some stories about what the other guys did when they came here...”

There are lots of stories, dear, and I’d love to gloat over how I disposed of each and every single one of them, but I doubt if we’re talking about the same guys: after all, the ones in my stories never came back.

“Not now. Later, ok?” I was pacing to and fro in the room, collecting my material to begin studying again.

Mark Orion was still not letting go. He was good at not letting go: “There was so much I wanted to share with you. We never had a chance to talk personal on our mails. Aren’t you a kind of a writer? Maybe you’d be interested to know that I—

Man, I couldn’t be LESS interested if I tried:

“Not now.” I repeated, firmly. “This is serious. I have a nearly perfect... hmm... our Brazilian equivalent of GPA. Anyway, it’s on a scale of 1 through 10 and this damn Economics is threatening to bring it down by almost a full point!”

Then he said something which I would have seen coming if I weren’t so concerned about my exam:

“Ok, whatever.” He shrugged “If we aren’t going to do anything, just take me back and I’ll leave you to your study.”

Laura, stop! Time to rethink the situation. Should I kill him now? No, too messy, I’d have to clean it up and I wouldn’t have the time. But the time problem would be the same tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I considered. Should I keep him around until after the exams? Hmm, most definitely no. A weekend was too long to have a tiny man walking around my room. Some friends might want to come over to study together, I might want to go to a friend’s house, there was the maid and the dog... Besides, I could bet he wouldn’t stop trying to make conversation and I’d never be able to concentrate properly.

There was another good point here: as long as he was still alive, I would keep fantasizing about ways to kill him. How could I study Economics if every five seconds my mind went off-track to wander if I should crush him under my soles or between my toes?

Better get it over it now. But doing it fast is never fun...

He was still smiling at me as I motioned to him:

“Well, it was great being here with you. Hope I can come back again when you’re free...”

Yeah, fat chance. Ok, this was it. Grab him, throw him on the wastepaper basket, crush him with my fist:

“You know, Mark O—

This was going to be my “you’ve been duped, it’s time to die” speech, but he naively interrupted me:

“What’s your exam about?”

I told him the details, why not?

“Isn’t that a wonderful coincidence? That’s my area of specialty. I did my honor thesis on this one!”

A pathetic muscle-brained foot-licking Giantess-freak worm like that had done an honor thesis?! Still, he said it so naively I believed him. Besides, I REALLY needed help.

“Your English is great, Laura. Language wouldn’t be a problem...”

How bad could it be? If it was true, he would be one hell of a help. If it wasn’t... Well, I was going to squish him either way, wasn’t I?

“Ok, Mark Orion. You win. I’ll be in bed, I have a lot of ground to cover. And you... Well, you can play around with my feet, I know you love this. It might even be relaxing to study while you lick my soles, and if I need help, I’ll call you.”

Then, the idea of having a man in bed with me made me remember another thing that had slipped my mind ever since the arrival of my guest: Ian! He knew my Shrink stories were real and he also knew I had stopped doing that. As fantasy, he liked evil giantesses fine but how would he react if he knew I had resumed my old, murderous habits? My heart sank a little: would he consider me a monster just because I was crushing people to death?

Wait there, Laura. He had accepted fine all the other men you had killed, all those hundreds, why would he react negatively with this one? Well, for one, I told myself, I had promised I would never do that again, and I had also said that fantasizing with him in bed already satisfied all my wildest Giantess fantasies better than any real tiny slave — men love to hear that kind of crap! Maybe his morality would revolt but, more likely, his male ego would be the one revolting: “So, fantasizing with me isn’t enough anymore, Laura?” Oh boy. Still on his male ego problem, for almost a year now Ian was the only one who shared a bed with me and licked my feet, — along with my entire body, for that matter. “Vanilla” people may not see a problem in this, but you foot freaks reading this know how sexually significant foot worship can be. It borders on adultery, especially with foot freaks as my slaves! Ian might not take too well my only line of defense: “But dear, I was going to kill him anyway...”

Bottom line was: Ian didn’t really have to know, did he?

As I grabbed Mark Orion from my table, another thought occurred to me: if Ian’s morality didn’t intervene — and it had a very low, weak voice — probably watching me squish a tiny man would be the greatest turn-on of his entire life. I really loved Ian: didn’t I owe it to the guy to invite him to watch my crush fest?

Anyway, I wasn’t going to squish Mark Orion so soon. I didn’t have to decide now. When time came, we’d see... :)

On my palm, Mark Orion was still staring at me, enthralled by my beauty, a silly smile on his lips. He thought he was being shipped back home and now he was all happy that I had given him a chance to lick my feet. What a loser! Good for him he couldn’t read my thoughts. Somehow his happiness made it all more delicious...

“Get ready, little man. It’s going to be a long night! I have a huge book to read!”

And the shot back at me his ‘I’m-so-happy-to-be-here-with-you’ smile:

“I also have two huge soles to lick. The longer the night, the better!”


I was SO happy! Laura really was stunningly beautiful, more than I had hoped for as I exchanged mail with her. Probably a fat freckled geek, I had thought, but who cares? Her mails had made me jerk off more than anything else I had ever read and I would never have to meet her anyway!

How could I have been so wrong? She was gorgeous! Not like a super-model, as her boyfriend wrote in one of the stories, but a truly beautiful women fully aware of her power over men. Even the way she paced her room collecting her notes — she couldn’t have been thinking about how she looked at the time — was sexy and elegant, alluring.

And her feet... Wow! I had stared too much at them at first, but now I would have them all to myself as she studied. How I envied her former boyfriend! For a foot fetishist to date such a woman is a blessing from the skies. And now those feet would be mine for the night... :)

She was smart, but that I already knew. There were books all over, she was articulated... I remember her smile and the way she looked at me as we talked. Her expression was always so sweet, from when she said she was going to kill me (ha, ha, and I believed it!) to the time she explained the situation in her most calm, well-reasoned manner.

I felt ashamed to have deceived such a woman. She had welcomed me in the intimacy of her bedroom, we’d had been pen-pals for weeks... I felt like a traitor. But what else could I have done? She was going to send me back! I couldn’t go home to jerk off alone in my bathroom (and hiding from my wife) after having stood only inches... excuse me, centimeters away from those godly feet! I’d have said anything! Hopefully she’ll forgive me — if she finds out, that is.

After all, I did take that Economics 101 in college (a C minus, but who’s counting?) and she herself admitted she understands nothing of Economics. With luck, I can talk my way out of this.

Laura lied on her bed, among dozens of open books, and she put me down by her side. Only then I realized the full weirdness of the situation: here was I, a handsome man at the peak of his physical shape and virility, on bed with a gorgeous 24 year-old foreign woman, quick witted and with the most perfect feet ever. And yet, we weren’t going to have sex.

Maybe that’s what proves I’m such an incurable Giantess foot fetishist. I would much rather be here as a tiny plaything than as, how shall I put it, a real man. I’ve had plenty of good “real man” sex with gorgeous women. That’s common-place. But Laura was special: she wasn’t only gorgeous, she had a Giantess fantasy just as I had and she loved to have her feet worshipped as much as I loved worshipping them.

No, I’d rather be tiny and know that this wall of flesh over there that she calls her sole, standing several centimeters above my head, was all mine to lick and kiss and rub myself against. After having worshipped the feet of so many women, that was exactly what I had always wanted: a foot so huge I could lick it for days and never quite lick it completely. This was definitely much better than entering that room as an ordinary man to have sex with Laura — as gorgeous as she and her feet were at any size.

“Well,” she addressed me “these are the rules. I’ll try to concentrate here. If I need your help, I’ll call you. If not, you just keep on doing whatever it is you’re doing.”

“And that would be...” I wanted her to say it.

But she didn’t even smile: “Whatever.” She shrugged “Play with my feet if you like it so much. What do I care? Your tongue is so tiny I probably won’t feel a thing but it might even help me to relax. Just don’t do anything to break my concentration. That means, if you didn’t understand it, DON’T TALK!”

“I understand it. I’ll get you really relaxed, you see. There are several nerve endings on the sole of the foot. If you only know how—

“You have any idea how many times I have heard that lame foot freak crap-of-an-excuse to get to a woman’s foot? Just do it and spare me the theatrics!”

Even when she was nice, Laura was still aggressive. I love that in a woman. Maybe too much, for her next move was to point at my groin and say:

“One important reminder: that hard little thing over there stays where it is and it’s not to be touched. You’re in a lady’s bedroom and I’ll not tolerate such liberties! Of course I can’t stop it from getting hard, it’s only natural... and should I say unavoidable?” And she gave me a wicked smile as she pointed to her body with her eyes “But don’t forget that I have a boyfriend, I love him and I’m very loyal to him. You’re the first man I get in bed with ever since I started seeing Ian and that just because” This time it was the naughty grin “of you peculiar situation. Don’t push it.”

“You didn’t even have to say it, Laura. Of course, I’d never—

“Yeah yeah, ‘you’d never’. Man’s crap. Whatever what you wouldn’t. Just don’t. If I see you touching yourself or, god help you, jerking off on my bed, maybe, just maybe, I’ll be upset. You wouldn’t like it.”

Well, no big deal. I was about to have the most wonderful experience ever and I would have the rest of my life to fondly remember it. I could control myself for some hours. I hope.

“Now go.” She pointed at her feet “Your objects of desire are waay over there. It’s a good walk, especially with all the wrinkles on the bed. Start moving now or I’ll be finished here before you reach it. I won’t carry you.”

And that was that. I began my long walk along her perfect body. All she was wearing was a white t-shirt and some shorts. From where I was, I could see her breasts at a distance, like two enormous mountains one is dying to climb just because... you know, just because they are there! She must have read my mind, for she said:

[This story, by the late Evil Laura, has been republished to the Evil Women blog (http://mulheresmalvadas.blogspot.com), the new home of Laura's stories. Please refer/link back to us if you reproduce or talk about this story, and don't remove this disclaimer.]

“Oh, one last thing: touch me above the ankle and you’re a dead man.”

Just a figure of speech, of course, but I got the picture. With so many distractions along the way, this would be a lengthy walk. Forget about unreachable things, Mark! and focus on what you CAN do, I told myself. She would never let me climb her breasts anyway, what’s the point in staring? Besides, I’d take her feet over her breasts any day of the week. I only had to get there...

The walk itself was something to remember. From a distance, her feet seemed smaller, like regular feet, the size of the feet of so many women I’ve had in my life. As I approached them, however, they grew and grew in front of my very eyes. It was like magic: to watch normal sized feet — or what looked like normal sized feet when viewed from very far away — slowly turn into Giantess’ feet, huge, enormous, with the potential to do all the evil and cruel things Laura had described to me in her mails.

She was right that my hard-on was unavoidable. Giantess and foot lovers may be freaks, but, in my opinion, freak is any man who would not be aroused by that sight!

I walked past her belly, her waist, her hips, her thighs... Oh, her legs... They seemed endless... My goal, at their end, unreachable... And so pretty!

Don’t ask me how long I walked (I was going to put my wrist watch on as soon as I had sent Laura her e-mail) but it felt like forever! Finally, I got to her anklet — just as she had described it on her site, a string of sea-shells linked to one another. I was Moses in the Promised Land — was it Moses who got to the Promised Land? I always get these things confused! Anyway, you get my point! The anklet was the border: from there on, I was in my turf and I could do whatever I wanted!

There’s no way to describe what it is like to stand in front of such a wall of foot sole. It was overwhelming. Her foot was resting on its heel and I had to tilt my head to the extreme to be able to see her wriggling toes all the way up there, as unreachable as the clouds in the sky.

And the smell! It was the most natural kind of foot odor possible. Not the one you get from walking all days in closed shoes, because that’s foot odor combined with whatever smell the shoe’s fabric has. No, this was the real thing. Untarnished. The foot smell of someone who had gone barefoot all day, walking inside a clear house. No other scents to corrupt it: just pure foot aroma!

It was also visibly clear that she had walked barefoot all day indoors. Her feet weren’t as clean as they would be if she had worn slippers. Neither were they as filthy as if she had walked barefoot outdoors. What gave it away were just some small specks of house dirt here or there, particles of dust and etc.

She hadn’t lied when she said she walked barefoot a lot. I’m an expert on female feet, I can tell those things. Her soles were thick and yellowish — Laura would certainly he hard to tickle. I hoped she would be able to feel the strokes of my tongue through those thick soles of her.

I began to work at once — that is, if one can call having such super-human pleasure "work!" No, I won’t try to describe how her sole tasted. Why bother? You wouldn’t understand. You weren’t there...

Every wrinkle, every fold was almost as big as me. Her big toe was my height, but bulkier — and sexier, of course! She moved her feet around a lot and she kept changing positions: the toes at first out of my reach were soon being licked too. I had access to her whole two feet. It was deliriously good.

I remember once, when traveling on the great plains east of Mirkwood, an old guide showed me Mount Erebor out there in the distance and asked me to guess how far away it was. The mountain seemed so small that I guessed an outrageously high number and, in spite of that, Mount Erebor was still three times further than I had thought. I had no idea anything could be seen from such a distance, I said. Yes, replied the guide, but the mountain is so enormous that if it were as close as you had guessed, it would seem so huge it would loom over you. If something that big looks small, it’s because it’s half a world away.

And there was Laura. She seemed totally unaware of me, so concentrated on trying to figure out Economics that she forgot she had a tiny slave tending her feet. Her lovely features were frowning and one could easily tell she was engaged in intense thinking. Laura was a determined woman: she had decided she would learn this and she would, tiny slave licking her feet or not. She looked as far away as Erebor had looked that day and I knew she was huge too — I couldn’t believe I had walked all that distance! If it weren’t for the two gold mines at each end of her slender legs, I don’t think I would have ever made it.

The movement of her toes reminded me of her site. It was also true what she had said about the so-called “Andalusian Spree” her former boyfriend loved. She was certainly not doing it for me. Suddenly, her foot would contract and, in a rapid movement, she would flex her toes violently, the big one sprinting as upwards as it would go while the others went the opposite way. Then, in a second, it was over. She kept doing this all night, in some odd patterns — maybe related to the intensiveness of her thinking? Sometimes she would do it once and they lay still for minutes. Or she would do it three or four times in quick sequence and then allow her toes to rest again. It looked like some kind of an unconscious reflex. Anyway, it had its charm.

As pretty as it looks, though, I wouldn’t want to be caught between her big toe and the next one as they came rushing to meet one another. The movement was too sudden and fast: one could be cut in half if caught in there. I relished that thought. Up until now, I had been so overwhelmed by that massive amount of gorgeous feet that I had forgotten what they could, and — let’s play, shall we? — what they had already done.

Next time she rested her foot down sideways and her toes came within my reach, I went there cautiously to lick the soft, tasty area between the toes. Was it here, I began to wonder, that little Pete had met his doom? How could such beautiful feet — how could such a beautiful woman! — do something so vicious and evil? Pete was just a boy, with his whole life ahead of him, he had trusted Laura, in a way he had even loved her and, in spite of all that, and only to prove a point and to satisfy her wicked desires, she had squished Pete to death right here — yeah, I had already decided it had been on this foot. I began to lick the spot frantically: here, a boy was killed by an uncaring evil giantess. Right here. She had laughed about it, she was happy about doing it, she felt proud and sexy! She said it felt GOOD! Not a thought for Pete, and his love, and the life he would never have... Such evil toes... How many more people had died here?

And the more I thought about Laura’s evil deeds, her stories, her mails to me, the more frantically I licked and — weirdly enough — the better her toes tasted. I wasn’t just licking a giant foot anymore, I was licking a giant evil foot... Oh, now that I had met her, I could picture it all. I could picture little Pete trapped between those toes, I could picture that huge foot following an skier down a hill, I could even see myself lying on the floor, waiting for a huge sole to fall over me, as I had dreamed so many times...

How would it be, I wondered, to really die squashed by Laura’s feet? I suddenly came back to my original question: would she do it in real life? There were certainly worse deaths, of course, and she did have the most delicious feet...

But I dismissed those thoughts from my mind. She was my hostess and she had proven herself intelligent, beautiful, civilized. We all have our fantasies. Laura was too kind and understanding to be capable of that. I was in no danger whatsoever. “Evil Laura”, as she herself said in her site, was a “persona” she wore on the Internet to steam off pressure and stress. The real Laura was in the bed with me, 24, single, still living in her parents’ house, attending college with exceptional grades (nearly perfect GPA, she had said) and now cramming for an Economics exam.

I was being silly to even conceive such a thing and it was the exam that finally convinced me. What murderer would study Economics while planning to kill someone — and have this someone lick her feet while she studied?

Oh boy, this smell and this taste will be lost forever, but I wish I had a camera to take some pictures of those perfect feet...

Suddenly, the telephone rang and Laura answered. I stepped away from her foot for a while to have a better view of her body and she saw me too, our eyes met. The sincere and cute smile that bloomed on her lips as she saw me was enough to touch my heart. No woman can look at a man and smile like that and not love him!

I didn’t hold her attention for long, though. Apparently, it was a classmate in distress, for Laura consulted her notes and flipped through her books frantically and then she took some notes of her own. All in all, she looked very concerned.

The talking, obviously, went on in Portuguese and I was already back at her colossal soles when I heard English being spoken:

“Claudia, remember when you asked me to help you with your conversational English? Do you mind if we do it now, talk in English for a while? Yeah, just to get our minds off this damn thing for a second or two. Oh, it’s nothing, really. I saw this funny scene in a movie and I wanted to tell you about it. It goes like this: a girl comes into her room and she finds a tiny man scurrying... yeah, that means running... running on the floor. Guess what she does?”

Oh my... I listened to her words and I glanced at her sole and I began to lick more feverishly than ever! She’s doing this just for me! Of course she wants me to listen. I felt that if I didn’t jerk off soon, I’d explode. But now I couldn’t even dream about it: as she talked and giggled on the phone, Laura’s eyes were dead fixed on me:

“No, she’s not frightened. She knows it’s only a stupid man that’s been shrunken, he can’t harm her in any possible way. Well, ok, YOU would be frightened, but then, after that, what would you do with him? All right, never mind. Try to guess what she did in the movie? No. No. No. Forget it. She teased him, she threatened to step on him, she said he would die, these sort of things. And then she actually did step on him. It was SO funny!”

Her evil, mocking laugher boomed across the room and I couldn’t get my mind off the fantasy: how many men had died to the sound of this delicious laughter? To how many people was this joyous, wicked laughter the last thing they had ever heard? She’s very sexy when she laughs and, in all her excitement, she was wriggling her toes even more. And then, she gave me a naughty wink. I don’t deserve her. On top of all that, her gigantic feet tasted so good!

“She even took her shoes off before doing it because she said she wanted to feel him crunch under her soles. Isn’t it cool?”

My Goddess Laura, I can picture this so much, yes I can: you stepping on a tiny man and even going through the trouble of doing it barefoot! That’s how evil you are. Stepping on him isn’t enough! You have to feel him die! With those same feet I’m licking. They keep tasting better and better!

“Yes, I know. I’m not saying I would have done it. Yes, I remember that day on Paula’s house I was the only one who refused to step on the bug. I don’t like doing this sort of thing. But this was not real life, dummy, this was a movie, this was fantasy. And I liked it, I laughed my guts out. Why did she do it? Because she could. She said she was bigger and stronger and that it would be fun to feel how he crunched.”

You can, Laura. With these soles I’m licking, you could squish me anytime. I know you won’t, it’s all fantasy as you pointed out, but you could and that turns me on so much you have no idea! I’m licking more and more feverishly, it’s like making love, only better, much better!

“No, it wasn’as cruel as I’m making it sound. The guy liked it! How come? How should I know? There are all sorts of creeps around. This one liked the idea of being stepped on. Remember H.? He used to beg for me to step on him. Yeah, you know, I’ve told you about him. Yeah, of course, he never died, but then he wasn’t tiny...”

How can someone not like it? How can someone look at those soles and not long to have them pressed against his body?

“Oh, I don’t remember the title. It was just a scene, really. Some sort of science fiction movie, astronauts on a planet of giants, and this astronaut apparently got himself into the wrong room... Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I find this idea of stepping on a tiny man very amusing! Yeah, it must have been because of H. And no, I won’t step on the bug next time either! I don’t do ‘stepping’!”

She made it sound like she was saying I don’t do drugs or I don’t smoke.

“Yeah, that’s why I thought it was so amusing. The idea that a girl would step on a grown man! Ok, I know. Let’s get back to work, shall we? See you! Bye!”

She hung up, her eyes still on me, and she gave me a thumbs up, followed by a smile. Then, I came in my pants, my tongue practically dry. I have no saliva left, but it had been well spent...

Laura’s index finger went up and she motioned me to come. Time to teach Economics. Good bye, dear soles, I think as I walk by, I’ll never forget you.


Our ability to forget is amazing. Even the best things may eventually fade from memory. To have a normal man service my feet is great, of course, but after a year with Ian I had forgotten how a tiny tongue could be satisfying too. Those tiny strokes are so light, so smooth you can barely feel them but they’re still there all the same. Very subtle, very relaxing.

That’s not the best, though. What I like the most is to think that this is a doomed tiny tongue. It sends a thrill through my body to imagine that this little man having so much pleasure servicing my feet will be no more in a few hours. He’s pleasing me, tendering my soles, helping me to relax as I study for an important exam. And how will I repay his kindness and his love? With death — hmm... What a delicious thought, how I love to feel I’m being as evil as I can be!

Tomorrow, I muse, I can feel all this pleasure again: all I have to do is bring another tiny man home. But he... The doomed slave will never feel the pleasure of licking my feet again. He’ll never feel any of the pleasures of life. I look at him with a smile on my face and I see a man who loves me and worships me but I also see a man who will never have a nice meal again, or go to the movies, or kiss a girl — or have sex! He’s enjoying his last pleasures in this earth and he’s not even aware of that...

And he won’t just die, of course: he’ll be killed by his own very objects of desire. That’s my favorite irony. I wonder which of those feet he’s licking will be the one to strike the fatal blow... My sole will still have his saliva on it as it covers him... Once more, I look at him happily servicing my toes and what I see is a man cleaning and loading the weapons of his own firing squad, building his own scaffold. And I cherish that thought, I play with it inside my head, and I get hotter and hotter...

Oh boy, I should really do this more often! Sometimes I even ask myself why is it that I like being bad so much, but it doesn’t matter, does it? My former boyfriend used to wonder why he was so fixated onto feet until he finally gave up. It was a pointless question. You have to know yourself, seek out what you like and be happy. So, who cares why I am this way? I enjoy being myself, I enjoy being evil and I enjoy crushing tiny men. And that should be more than enough, isn’t it? :) Of course, because of my peculiar likes and dislikes hundreds of people have died but that only makes it all even more delightful...

Snap out of it, Laura! This is exactly what I feared. My slave was relaxing me all right, but I just couldn’t concentrate: I kept daydreaming about how he would meet his doom and about how amusing this whole situation was. Forget it, I said. Focus on the material. Think about it. Formulate some questions he might help me answer. Use his knowledge — if he had such a thing — as much as I could. Then, when he outlived his usefulness... Well, then it would be time to daydream again...

It worked. I was so focused I even forgot about him. The strokes of his tongue were so light and regular that you only have to get used to them and they would fade away. It seemed like hours later when my friend Claudia called and I both snapped out of my Economics coma and also noticed that I had a man in bed with me.

I couldn’t keep him in my mind much longer, for Claudia had some very pertinent questions, most of which we managed to answer by ourselves, some of which were still left unanswered when she hung up the phone. But all this time, as I flipped through my notes and talked to her, I could see with the corner of my eyes that my tiny slave was still at my feet, admiring his own soon-to-be murderess with awe on his face.

He deserved some reward. As soon as I finished with Claudia, I switched to English and put up a little show for him. It seemed to be working, for as I talked, he licked my feet more and more feverishly. Even so, his strokes were so light it was pathetic.

Finally, I decided enough was enough. After all, shouldn’t free access to my gigantic feet be more than enough reward for all good deeds this creep might have done in his entire life? So, I “hung up” with Claudia and resumed with Economics. And it occurred to me I still hadn’t used him. Maybe he could answer some of our mutual doubts.

Enough of this reward too. If he did good, he might lick my feet again. Right now, I wanted him close to my ears where I could listen to what he might have to say. Poor Mike Orion just stared at my feet in a longing way and started to walk in my direction, but I couldn’t wait. I picked him up between my fingers and brought him to me.

I won’t bore you with Economics. I know I DON’T want to hear about it. It suffices to say that it took me about three seconds to find out that if Mark Orion had ever graduated from College at all, it had been on Physical Education. See if you get my reasoning: I wasn’t pissed at him for having lied to me. How could I blame him?

I know very well the power my feet have over foot fetishists, I know the power my gigantic body has over Giantess freaks and, obviously, I know the power I have over any men at all! The poor groveling foot-licking loser just couldn’t have gone home — or so he thought — without giving a last, desperate try to touch my soles with his tongue. I can even sympathize with that. I’ve seen it happen several times. What really pissed me were two other things:

First, that I had been so desperate because of my exam that I actually BELIEVED him!! Gosh, I know those Giantess perverts, they all have mush for brains: had I really become so stupid ever since I last had a tiny man in here, over a year ago?! I knew for a fact that he would try something and that — his statement that he had majored in Economics — was obviously it! In short: I had anticipated it, I was expecting it, I saw it coming and, when it came, I fell for it! Who knows, if I keep on getting dumber like this, one of these days one of my tiny men might even manage to trick me for real! You have no idea how angry I was with myself! Someone had to pay for this and... well, I couldn’t squish myself, could I?

My second source of irritation was Mark Orion’s own stupidity. Hey, c’mon, if you’re trying a desperate last stand, at least do it right all the way. I’m the first one to admit I’m very smart, but I know squat about Economics. Anyone with half a brain would have bull-shitted me on this one. One only had to try: use some of those economists’ mambo-jambo we hear about on TV, utter long meaningless words in long meaningless sentences, improvise! I would have caught him eventually, of course, but not in three seconds. And I’d have forgiven him: I’m a good sport, I knew that all he was doing he was doing so that he could spend more time with me and, also, I’ll always respect someone who can bull-shit me — such people are VERY rare, believe me! I’d still have cruelly squished him, of course, but I’d have forgiven him first and he would have died an honorable man, a man I respected. What I couldn’t forgive was the fact that he didn’t even try. You see, he didn’t even have HALF a brain: he couldn’t have talked a monkey into eating a banana if his life depended on it! And it did! Oh yes, it did!

[This story, by the late Evil Laura, has been republished to the Evil Women blog (http://mulheresmalvadas.blogspot.com), the new home of Laura's stories. Please refer/link back to us if you reproduce or talk about this story, and don't remove this disclaimer.]

“Gosh, Laura, please don’t take it the wrong way! I’d really do anything I could to help you out but I don’t know anything about Economics also... All I wanted was to spend some more time with you and—

“Shut up.”

Squish him now, I thought? I don’t like to kill slaves when I’m mad: I don’t enjoy it as much as I could and they usually die too fast. But I wanted to do it, I really did! He began to speak again and my hand was closing around him, I didn’t want to listen to that moron anymore, and my mom saved the day:

“Laura!!” She boomed as she knocked on my door. She has the most annoying, strong knock: I always feel like she’s trying to break into my room. Obviously, my door was locked. “Have you walked the dog already?”

Oh my, and it keeps piling up! Now this!

“No, mom, sorry, I’d totally forgotten about it, there’s this exam and—

“Laura, you know it’s your turn to walk the dog! And you also know I hate to talk through this door! Open it!

I may still live with my parents — it’s a great way to save money! — but at 24 my room is like an embassy: foreign territory answerable only to me.

“I can’t open it right now. I’ll walk the dog!”

She didn’t say anything else. Ok, there it was, one other thing to piss me off. I hate walking the dog. But at least it had gotten my mind away from murderous thoughts towards my slave. Oh yes, he deserved to suffer a little. And I had something in mind I was just dying to try — and that he might die trying... :)

I leapt from my bed: “Don’t go anywhere. The fall might kill you and we wouldn’t want that, would we?”

“But Laura—

“Just shut up.”

From my closet — yes, I have a closet! cool, isn’t it? — I selected one of my oldest, most worn strap sandals. As soon as I came out of the closet (no pun intended) the slave began to talk:

“Are you really this dumb? I can’t listen to you. Save your breath until I get closer...”

He was pacing on my bed:

“Laura, what are you going to do?”

“Haven’t your heard my mother?! I have to walk the fucking dog!”

“In fact, I heard her, I just couldn’t understand a word of it.”

“Oh yes, I keep forgetting Americans are the only people in the world who are so cool they can afford to be monolingual! Everywhere, everyone else has to learn some other languages but not the mighty Americans...”

Can you believe he had the guts to say: “Laura, you’re rambling!”

“Of course I’m rambling. I was dumb enough to believe you, I still know nothing about Economics and now I have to walk the dog! What did you expect?”

“I didn’t know about the do—

“Shut up.”

I positioned my sandal alongside his body and began to make some mental calculations:

“Laura, what are you doing?”

“Quiet. I’m checking if something is feasible... Hmm... I think it is, let’s give it a try.”

This strappy sandal had one detail I find particularly cool: a strap-arch under which to fit the big toe. I also thought that Mark Orion was the perfect size for what I had in my devious mind.

“Didn’t you say you didn’t wear leather?”

“Synthetic.” I ripped the toe-strap off.

“Why are you doing this? You’ve just ruined a very sexy sandal...”

“Thank you, but it will be worth it. I’m assuming you stretch a lot before your work-out sessions!”

“Actually, I do. In fact, I work out fiv—

Mark, I’m SO interested!! Why do slaves assume their giant owners have any curiosity at ALL about their lives? People tell me all sorts of useless gibberish! I’m going to kill them anyway, what difference does it make to me if he has three or four kids or if he was an engineer or a doctor? They pretty much all squeeze the same and, truth be told, that’s all I expect from them. When I want intelligent conversation, I call my boyfriend, thank you! You, shut up and die! Boy, I hate Giantess freaks!

I grabbed him before he could finish his stupid sentence and I began to tear his clothes off:

“Why are—

“With your clothes on, people on the street may think you’re a person — which you aren’t, of course. Besides, your red pants don’t go with my brown sandals.”

In a few seconds, he was totally naked:

“Now relax your body.”

“Why... what? Laura...”

“I hate repeating myself, slave. We’re going to play Giantess. Relax your body or you may get hurt. And prepare yourself for a good stretch...”

He smiled and winked at me: “Ok, let’s play.”

It was his last moment of total innocence — ever. Gloves are off. Now he would suffer a little before the end. I placed his feet into one of the holes where the strap-arch used to be:

“Laura, no...”

His feet were still loose, he would slip away with no effort at all. I got a stapler and I just stapled his feet in there. This didn’t hurt him, of course: the staple was like a bar over his feet, ensuring he wouldn’t break free.

Poor Mark Orion had already guessed what I had in mind:

“Laura, please, no! Think about it. This will hurt!”

“No pain, no gain. Relax your back and stretch your arms.”

“I’d love to role-play with you, Laura, but this might seriously hurt me.”

“All Giantess fantasies include a tiny man suffering, don’t they? Besides, forget role-play and fantasy, this is real life!”

“Laura, this might even kill me!”

I sighed unhappily: “It’s a chance I’ll have to take. God knows I’ll never forgive myself if such a thing happens! I still have a lot of other “games” to play but... you know... accidents do happen... Don’t worry: I’ll be ok! There are always more tiny men where you came from...”


“Do as you’re told. Now.”

Some small part of him still wanted to believe that this was harmless role-playing with a friendly girl. Ah, hope... What would I do without you? Anyway, he obeyed.

I placed his hands on the hole where the other end of the strap-arch used to be. This time, I needed two staples, and I even had to twist them a bit, to make sure his hands were firmly held there. And... pronto! I had a new arch on my sandal under which to place my big toe: a flesh arch! Mark Orion was totally arched, his muscles so contracted you could see he really must have been a strong man. Unfortunately, in the size he was in now, those staples were stronger than prison bars...

He laughed, the fool: “Yes, this is fun! To be used as a sandal strap by the proverbial Evil Giantess... I always said you were creative, Laura.” It was delightful to detect the first hints of desperation behind his calm words “Now, let me go...”

“You don’t get it, do you? No problem. You will. And I’ll love to watch as you slowly realize what kind of helpless jam you’re in. Oh, and I strongly encourage you to laugh while you can. Things will get a bit rougher from now on.”

He sighed and let his butt drop. No longer an arch, he looked like a weird “M”.

“Well, slave, I’m glad you liked those sandals because there’s a good chance you may die—

“LAURA!!! Didn’t you say you would walk the dog?!”

“I’ll be out in a second!” And I turned to him: “See what I have to put up with? This is one of the reasons I’m pissed!”

“I don’t know Portuguese but I got the general idea from her to—

“Shut up.”

I placed my new improved sandal on top of my table and went looking for my camera:

“I simply HAVE to take a picture of you! This is just great! Better do it now... After I place my big foot on it, I might destroy my work...”

As I approached him with the camera, he asked:

“Do you take pictures of your role-plays? I’d like to see the pics you took of some of the others...”

“Believe me, you’d not like it. Now, now, picture time. Look like someone who knows he’s about to be worn and subsequently killed by an Evil Giantess...”

“But Laura...” He looked desolated and that was good enough:

“Raise your butt, I want to see the arch!”

He sighed: “Ok...”

“Great! That’s perfect. Ian will love this!”

After taking some shots, I left the camera on my bedside table. If I could keep him from getting killed, there were several other shots I wanted to take:

“Let’s hope this will work. It has to be a perfect fit.” I told him “If the arch is too small, I won’t be able to put my big toe under it and wear you... And worse, if it’s too loose, you’d use my toe to rest your butt and that’s totally against the general spirit of the thing!”

“Laura, you can’t be serious. You—

“Well, let’s get it over with before my mom comes shouting again.”

I held the sandal in my hand, raised my foot to it and began to slowly slide my foot in:

“I hope this will be as good to you as it will be for me...” I giggled.


She was insane! This whole sandal idea is just crazy! Luckily I have a great body but if I stayed in that position much longer, it would really upset my back!

If the whole thing was only about making me a sandal strap, maybe I would even laugh about it. But now she intended to wear me!

Look, it’s not that she’s evil or anything. I could tell she was a decent person. Laura was simply reckless, irresponsible! To her, this was just another Giantess play and it seemed that she hadn’t realized that I could get seriously hurt! She could break my back, even kill me!

Laura seemed oblivious to all that, as if she had a hidden conviction that it would all come out ok. Excuse me, but I was not so sure.

It’s hard to describe what I felt as her foot started to slide in my direction. On the one hand, her foot might have been the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my entire life. On the other, her big toe alone was capable of breaking me in two.

I had never watched anything so dangerous and threatening coming my way as Laura’s foot that day. It was like a diver observing a white shark slowly swimming in his direction: beautiful, elegant, deadly and closing in fast But even in all my fear, I couldn’t deny that her foot was gorgeous, as was her whole body. How on earth could something so stunningly beautiful also be so dangerous?

Her big toe started poking me and I raised myself as much as I could, trying to give it room to slide under me. If her little gadget didn’t work, she might get pissed.

“Oh my, I can’t believe it! Luck favors the evil, as I always say! A perfect fit!” She laughed of pure delight! This was all a joke to her.

In fact, the fit was a bit too tight. I had raised myself too much so that her big toe could slide under me and now I was stretched to the utmost. It was like being in the rack! With any luck, she would notice it: my whole body was already beginning to hurt!

Laura looked like a little girl with a new toy. She raised her foot in the air and she was staring at it with an expression of total happiness and bewilderment:

[This story, by the late Evil Laura, has been republished to the Evil Women blog (http://mulheresmalvadas.blogspot.com), the new home of Laura's stories. Please refer/link back to us if you reproduce or talk about this story, and don't remove this disclaimer.]

“I can’t believe it worked! This is so much fun! Look at you! Naked like that you look like a piece of clear leather! No one will notice it — but I’ll know you’re down there! The pain you must be going through... Hmmm!”

She picked up the camera again and took some shots:

“I want some pictures of you as my toe ornament...”

“Laura, it’s too tight!” I tried to scream “Too tight, I can’t stand it.”

But there’s no way she would hear my tiny voice more than a leg away and over her own voice and giggles. And I couldn’t even wave to get her attention!

“Hmm, and I can feel your warm body pressing against my toe...”

And then...

“In fact, pressing too much.” She brought her feet closer to her face:

“Too tight!” I muttered, already out of breath.

“You’re right, my darling. I’ll have to do something about it!”

There is a god! Laura went to her table and came back with the stapler:

“I have to bind you extra-tight, or these staples will let go and I might even step on you!”

I couldn’t believe it! She stapled my hands and feet a couple of times more and the pressure increased: I felt like I was going to burst!

“Laura, please...” I begged, while her face was still close enough that she would hear me “It hurts too much! Release me!”

She grinned widely and shook her head: “No can do! Pain is good for the soul, builds character! Besides, it amuses the hell out of me and I’m loving to feel your body pressing against my toe!”

“Laura, I’m begging you...” It was getting increasingly hard to speak “You’re not considering... the consequences of your actions... If you leave me here... I’ll break my back...”

She shook her head again: “Don’t worry about that, dear. I have a lot of experience with the limits of human physiology and I can tell you this: our bodies are a lot tougher than we consider them to be — if we can just stand the pain, of course. If I raise my toe on you now, believe me, the staples would let go before your back, never the other way around. Your back is stronger than the staples! It will only hurt A LOT, of course, but that’s the whole point of the game, isn’t it?”


“Want a demonstration? We’ll have to get going soon!”

“No, no, please...”

“Don’t worry, dear: I won’t raise my toe very much, I don’t want to have to staple you again!”

Below me, I could feel her warm, lovely big toe slightly pressing against my back. It was more than enough. I let out a piercing scream — promptly followed by Laura’s jolly laughter.

“God!” was all I managed to utter.

“Maybe you should try Goddess. After all, I’m the one in charge here and the old man up there doesn’t seem to be helping you a lot... He never helped any of the other ones, that’s for sure! Anyway, didn’t I tell you your back would hold?” And she smiled at me.

I couldn’t say which part of my body hurt the most. I was completely stretched and strained and all she could do was look at me and smile. Did she have any idea how much pain she had just inflicted on me? She couldn’t have or she wouldn’t have done it. She really thinks this is all a harmless game! No one would have done such a thing knowingly and then smiled at me as she was smiling...

I looked around me. To my right, I could see the sides of her big toe and parts of the toe-nail. Was this the same delicious, sexy toe I had just been licking? The same one that with the slightest wriggle caused me more pain than I had ever felt in my entire life? It just couldn’t be. It just wasn’t right! To my left, there was the rest of Laura’s foot, and then her leg and her whole glorious, reckless self. There was a smile right there on top. She was enjoying herself!

Laura brought her foot close to her face again:

“Admit it, wasn’t I right?”

I tried to speak: “Laura... it hurts too much... please release me...”

“So you admit I was right about that too?” she giggled “After all, I told you that all it would do was hurt like hell...”

“I can’t stand it...”

“Oh, don’t be a sissy on me now. We have barely started! All I did was raise my toe a millimeter! Just a warm-up! Wait for the pain you will feel when I begin to actually WALK!”

“Laura...” I tried “I don’t think... you conceive... just HOW much pain... I’m feeling right now...”

Her face brightened up completely. Suddenly, she was all happiness, from the broad smile to the twinkle in her eyes:

“Please tell me. Tell me all about your pain! You’d better tell me now... I don’t think you’d have the strength to talk when we come back... If you make it back, of course!”

Was she really insane?

“I don’t think I can survive... a walk... really... my body is mushed...”

Then I saw something that really scared me. Her merry expression was still the same — and it was scary enough — but her shoulder was moving in a strange way. I glanced down her arm and she was fingering herself through the short fabric of her shorts! I was silent for a second and she cooed:

“Don’t stop... Tell me more about your back!”

It all hit me at once: was it serious then? Was she really turned-on by my suffering? Did that mean she knew what kind of pain I was in? Or that she really didn’t care if I lived or died? I was frightened, very frightened and I seriously considered if that big toe I was feeling below me wouldn’t somehow end up crushing me...

Laura was still fingering herself and staring at me and suddenly she laughed:

“I can’t believe it! You Giantess freaks are all alike!”

What was so funny now, I thought?! Slowly, I followed her gaze down my body towards my groin.

I had a big erection.


I really shouldn’t have done it. I don’t know, somehow it felt improper. After all, I was seriously dating Ian, he was the man of my life, it just wasn’t right to masturbate in front of another man. But I couldn’t resist it. My slave’s pain, the whole situation, it was all just too delicious: I was doing it before I was even aware I was doing it. Just to imagine that someone was suffering such a tremendous pain because of me, for no reason at all other than that I wished him to suffer, being tortured by the same toe he had worshipped, by the same woman he loved and desired... How can life get better than that?

[This story, by the late Evil Laura, has been republished to the Evil Women blog (http://mulheresmalvadas.blogspot.com), the new home of Laura's stories. Please refer/link back to us if you reproduce or talk about this story, and don't remove this disclaimer.]

And then, to top it all, he was aroused too! I think that’s the definition of a Giantess Foot freak. Ladies and gentleman, here we have a man one step — literally — away from death, in terrible pain, tied around a woman’s big toe, a woman visibly concerned only with making him suffer as much as possible, a woman enjoying it all so much she’s masturbating, and what does he do? He gets a hard-on!

I couldn’t stop it. Not with that erect dick facing me. The man deserved to be crushed! And I deserved an orgasm...

And then...


That was that. Even evil, all-powerful Giantesses have higher powers to answer to. I could finish what I had started later on. My consolation was that my slave wouldn’t:

“Envious of me, slave?” I mocked him, and pointed to his tiny erection “As long as I’m around — and I’ll be around a lot longer than you, trust me — this disgusting thing won’t be touched. I know you can’t help being turned on by my evilness, but I can certainly stop you from relieving yourself. This will be part of my pleasure!”

He tried to say something, his dick still throbbing, but I was lowering my leg and I didn’t hear it.

“Time for the real pain to start, slave. Brace yourself and try to hang on to my toe. If you survive, you can tell me again about your pain. You know I’d love to hear it... And, please, don’t give up on me. Try to survive! I have a lot of other things planned for you before I kill you...”

I looked myself in the mirror. It was perfect. No one could see there was a man strapped around my big toe. In the dark of the night, way down there, he looked just like another sandal ornament.

As I headed for the door, I said my final words of mockery:

“I won’t be talking to you out there, slave, because I don’t want everyone in the neighborhood to think I’m a loony who talks to herself. You, however, may scream at will, no one will hear it, anyway. I just wanted to remind you of a little something:”

And I bent my body and stared at him and his throbbing dick, and I tried to sound as cute as possible:

“Be sure to make the most of your last breaths of fresh air. This will be the last time you’re outdoors. When we come back, you won’t leave this room alive. So enjoy it!”

His erection still held. I wonder if he had liked what I had said... With Giantess freaks you never know:

“Oh, and how could I forget it! This will be your first walk in my city! I’m such a terrible hostess! Welcome to Rio!”

(read Slave Mark M.'s story so that you have an idea of what I was planning for the rest of this story... maybe someday I'll even finish it...)

The Evil Queen Laura doesn't hang around #!!Giantess anymore... You may find her at her home page, that is, here!, or by clicking on the link below to send her mail. Actually, right now, the only place you're really sure to find her is at WORK!!! *sigh* Tell us all your opinions and reactions to these stories.

Good old Word takes care of spelling mistakes but the Evil Queen Laura fortunately is not American and her native tongue is not English. So, if you find awkward sentences, usage mistakes and common expressions used out of their normal context... Well, that's your problem! ! And my deepest thanks to my three Proof-Reading Slaves: Mr.Floorplan, Aileron and Mark M. You've all helped me a LOT!!

Feel free to distribute this story around. The more readers the better. You may send it via e-mail to your friends, post it in newsgroups, in giantess home pages, anything. Just don't change a word, a comma or a paragraph. This is my story and, mistakes and all, that's the way it's supposed to be. If you have a problem, write your own story: don't edit mine!"

Check back here in a few days to read Slave Mark M.'s story. Pedro