
Evil Laura's Rites of Passage

"March 27th, 1997 — Definitive Version

Evil Queen Laura II:
Rites of Passage

by the Goddess of Perversity Herself, a.k.a. Tormentress Supreme, Epitome of Satanic Loveliness, Towering Titaness of Destruction, Evil Seductress, Omnipotent Deity Of Destruction, Tormentress from Hell, Titanic Goddess of Terror, Evil Incarnate, Destroyer of Men, etc. (I haven't made up any of these titles — they are all sweet flatteries from my slaves; as they come up with more titles, I'll add them to the list...)

A girl's gotta have some fun. Life is tedious, parents suck, college is a pain, and work is even worse. Each of us has their own way of forgetting our dull routines and of enjoying life a bit. Some go to the movies. That's fine. Some like to go to Giantess IRC channels and pretend they are tiny. Good for them. I enjoy my life through taking other people's lives. Hey, if you have never done that, you have no idea how fun it is.

Well, it wasn't always so much fun. Initially, I had restraints, such as everyone. I remember the first guy I brought in intentionally. His nickname was CJA. He was a nice guy. He was a regular at #!!Giantess too, but he wasn't too fond of Evil Giantesses and so he had never volunteered to be my slave. In spite of that, he kept on trying to chat with me, having normal talks and just being plain nice. I have nothing against nice men, of course. But when I'm at #!!Giantess, I'm supposed to be evil, right? That's the game.

When I typed the sequence of keys during one of our DCC chats, I swear I had no evil intentions towards CJA. I just wanted to bring him here and have a look at him. After all, he wanted a normal chat, didn't he?!

And a normal chat we had. CJA popped up right beside my mouse, about 3 or 4 inches tall. Of course he was scared at first, but he assimilated the new situation easily. I mean, he knew I was good at heart and that no matter how many men I had squished in chats, I wouldn't really harm him in any way.

We talked. He was glad to finally see me and we had a pretty civilized conversation. After so many months dreaming about tiny men (and about the cruelties I did to them), it was hard to be a gentle Giantess with him. But then I never thought I would actually see a tiny man.

Eventually, CJA came close to the monitor and noticed that everyone in the channel was asking about him:

"Tell them I'm fine." CJA suggested.

That's when I started having second thoughts. I had no idea how to send him back, how to put the fellow in his normal country again and in his normal size. And I sure didn't want to advertise he was with me — even if no one would believe it.

So I stalled. CJA kept asking for me to do it and I kept changing subject. Our conversation became less friendly. Finally, he made a dash to the keyboard and instinctively I blocked his way with my arm. I was astonished to realize how light he was! He got thrown back and he almost fell from the table — what would have meant certain death to him.

Then he was furious:

"Do you realize what you are doing, Laura? Is that what you want? To have a death on your conscience? This is fun but this is no chat: this is real life! I want to go back home! There's work tomorrow!"

I told him I was sorry.

[This story, by the late Evil Laura, has been republished to the Evil Women blog (http://mulheresmalvadas.blogspot.com), the new home of Laura's stories. Please refer/link back to us if you reproduce or talk about this story, and don't remove this disclaimer.]

"Sorry?!" CJA proceeded to lecture me. He had been an attorney, or something like that, so he pretty much made a case against me and using good rhetoric too. He raised all the possible moral implications of what I had done, why it was so wrong, that with great power comes great responsibilities, that if I could do that, there had to be a way to do it in the name of righteousness and decency, etc etc. If he had invoked the First Amendment, quoted the Declaration of Independence, mentioned the "American Way" or any of this patriotic babble Americans are so fond of, I'd have wasted him on the spot. But he was too smart for that.

In fact, I really enjoyed it. I think I even needed to hear that. It helped me to put things into their real perspective. I have never forgotten his words: every time I squish or torture a man, I recall his lecture. Somehow it makes it even more fun: to think of human rights and ethics while dismembering a poor man. No, his words were not wasted.

At that time, though, I thought he was absolutely right. But I still couldn't send him back. And worse, I couldn't keep him too! There was college in the morning. I couldn't bring him with me to classes and I couldn't leave him at home to be found by someone. What would I do?

"Well, Laura," CJA finished "I hope that by now you have a better understanding of your position. Send me back, please." Poor boy, always so nice.

Yes, I understood perfectly my position and my options. He was the one who still didn't know the mess he was in. The decision to kill him was unexpectedly difficult to make. After so much play and so much killing and destroying on chats, I felt myself forced to lay waste a real, nice man who had never done me any harm and — maybe what made it all worse — a man who didn't even have the lust for Evil Giantesses that my other slaves had.

I didn't want him to suffer, I didn't want him even to know what was happening. I would do what I had to and that was it. No unnecessary cruelty. He half guessed what I was thinking and approached me:

"You can't send me back, can you?"

It all happened very fast. CJA had barely muttered those words and I sprang my arm, sending him flying over my room. He didn't even scream: he fell to the ground and died. Just like that. Luckily, he wasn't as messy as the other one.

For a moment there, I almost threw him in the garbage can but then I remembered he was an environmentalist. He would have preferred to be a part of the food chain than to have his tiny body wasted and eaten by vermin. So, I let my dog in and he made a feast out of the little body and he even licked the blood from the floor. The little blood that remained I cleaned with a small towel.

I was feeling really bad. Suddenly, my fun and enjoyable fantasies had turned sour. I had really killed someone. It sank in hard. If I had gone to bed then, I'd probably never have brought in another tiny man again. But I decided to go back to #!!Giantess and try to learn more about CJA, the human being that was dead because of me. I had to know more about him!

The people in the channel were not only asking for him, they were also asking for me. After all, I had "vanished" too: ever since the arrival of the tiny man, I had not typed a word. And along with the cries calling for him and for me in the main channel, all my slaves in our private windows were asking if their cruel mistress had abandoned them, and etc. Yeah, I said to myself, bitterly, your cruel mistress is a lot crueler than she had thought...

I was in no mood to squish tiny men anymore. For the first time, I let my slaves walk alive: I promised I would grant them their much deserved deaths beneath my soles some other day, but that now I just couldn't do it. That was unheard of: no one had survived a chat with me so far. What I really wanted to do now was to find out more about the man I had just killed.

"Sorry everyone" I wrote in the main channel "Had to answer some phone calls. What's going on? Oh, CJA's missing? What, out of the blue? A pity, I liked him... Did any of you know him personally?"

They did. And they told me stories. Lots of stories. Very soon the whole channel was talking about him. Recently married, a 3 year old daughter, among the first in his law school class from whatever university that was, and a promising career in some large law firm, etc. They didn't know this was all over, but I did.

Stimulated, they kept on talking. His home page was fine, one guy said. He had even sent electronic Valentine's cards to all women in the channel, someone pointed out, and I remembered getting one too. That made my heart sink even lower. I began to think that coming back to the channel after what had happened had been a Bad idea with a capital B.

Meanwhile, all my former slaves now set free refused to be denied their promised death beneath my feet. They kept sending me queries and DCC chats:

"My Evil Queen, have I displeased you? I'll do whatever you say, just please be nasty to me... Allow me the honor of dying for you..."

"My Goddess of Perversity, why have you abandoned me? I have already given you my life... Please squish me between your toes, I can imagine no better death..."

And so they went, over and over, the guys simply couldn't take no for an answer. I'd say "not now", "I really can't", "I have to go", anything, and they still kept bugging me. Worse, begging me to kill them just as I had just done. That's what they wanted. They wanted to be crushed by an evil woman above all things.

I decided I had already heard it all. I didn't want to hear any more tales about my victim's golden life and I also didn't want to have some pathetic, ridiculous men from across the globe asking me to step on them.

I turned off mIRC and I went to bed, decided never to log on #!!Giantess again. How despicable and miserable does a man have to be to dream about being killed? Don't they know what being killed is like? I do! Is that what they want? To lose everything, just as CJA, my nice chat friend had lost his career and the chance to see this daughter's graduation? Is my foot, or anyone's foot, as for that matter, worth it?

From sadness, I turned to anger. Maybe those pathetic little guys needed a lesson on what Giantesses are really like, on what death is really like, so that they'll stop wishing for what they really don't want, for what they really can't possibly want... Be careful what you wish, I may tell one of them before crushing them for real, because you may get it! Didn't you dream about evil women? Well, now handle me because I'm an evil women and proud of it and I'm coming for you!

[This story, by the late Evil Laura, has been republished to the Evil Women blog (http://mulheresmalvadas.blogspot.com), the new home of Laura's stories. Please refer/link back to us if you reproduce or talk about this story, and don't remove this disclaimer.]

If it weren't for those pathetic guys with their pathetic Giantess perversions, I wouldn't have been in the channel, my victim wouldn't have been in the channel and he would still be alive. It was all their fault, not mine! Perhaps it's time to end all this Giantess crap by simply granting their wishes. Why not? There would be nothing ethically or morally wrong about it, would it? They want it. They ask for it. They beg for it! And so my mind went circling and circling...

Right before sleep set in, I stopped wondering about how pathetic those men were and my thoughts turned to my victim. CJA was probably at home when he vanished. His wife was around. Maybe his little daughter was playing in the same room. How desperate they might be now? I wonder if she has already called the police... After all, it wasn't as if he didn't come back home, he disappeared from home.

How much did she love him? Will she be able to forget him and go on with her life or will his disappearance make her miserable forever? Disappearances are worse than death, because you never really know. Maybe she'll never have any other relationships, maybe she'll be blocked by his memory, by the hope that he may one day still show up. I may have condemned her to be a nun!, I realized. Perhaps she'll never have another man, she'll never experience sexual pleasure again... All because I pressed some keys on my computer... No, all because some twerps are turned on by Evil Giantesses... That's the reason...

I can't explain it, but I started to get horny...

Then I thought about his daughter. He was beginning his career, that means he probably didn't have much money. Does his widow have a job? Is there a family to support them? Maybe they will both be evicted from their house. Maybe they have no where else to go. Will his poor lovely baby girl starve to death or freeze in the streets? Now she'll never attend college, as her father surely wanted her to...

Those thoughts were just racing through my mind and I realized many of them were improbable, but that didn't matter now because I was just too horny to stop. I recalled my slaves' pathetic pleas for me to crush them to death, I pictured my victim's wife wearing black until she's 80 years old after a miserable and wasted life and I imagined his daughter freezing or starving and being denied a whole life of pleasures such as the one I was now experiencing...

That big, cruel mental picture made me orgasm several times. When I realized, I was feeling happier than ever. Maybe crushing that first man was a mistake, but now I knew where my real talents lay. Now I knew where to find real fun and real pleasure. Oh, yes, I was definitely going back to #!!Giantess and I was going to give those Giantess freaks the time of their lives — of their suddenly shortened lives, of course...

Alone in my room, I laughed to myself. My height was still the same, 5'11', my shoe size was still the same, 10, but for all intents and purposes I was now a Giantess and I could be as evil and wicked and cruel as in my darkest, wildest fantasies.

[This story, by the late Evil Laura, has been republished to the Evil Women blog (http://mulheresmalvadas.blogspot.com), the new home of Laura's stories. Please refer/link back to us if you reproduce or talk about this story, and don't remove this disclaimer.]

That night, I slept better than ever, before or since. Later on I would have more pleasure, as I further learned the delicious possibilities of being a Goddess of Evil, but that night was special. That was the night of my initiation. That was the night in which I realized that I could be all I had always dreamed about. Also, that I could grant those Giantess freaks in the channel what they had always dreamed about too — and whether they like it or not, that was their business... :)

With the image of my victim's daughter both starving and freezing deliciously stuck in my brain, I slept like a baby. Life was good. And soon it would be better than ever.

(to be continued for sure — it's barely started!)

The Evil Queen Laura is usually at #!!Giantess under all sorts of nicks and combinations of the name Laura. Don't be deceived by false Lauras. There has been some. You'll recognize me because I'll treat you like dirt from moment one. :) Just like you deserve.

Good old Word takes care of spelling mistakes but the Evil Queen Laura fortunately is not American and her native tongue is not English. So, if you find awkward sentences, usage mistakes and common expressions used out of their normal context... Well, that's your problem! Again, all my thanks to CJA.

Feel free to distribute this story around. The more readers I have the better. You may send it via e-mail to your friends, post it in newsgroups, in giantess home pages, anything. Just don't change a word, a comma or a paragraph. This is my story and, mistakes and all, that's the way it's supposed to be. If you have a problem, write your own story: don't edit mine!"