
The Size of Paola's Foot: História em Inglês

Essa é uma historinha de gigantas que escrevi, muito tempo atrás, em inglês. A deusa em questão é Paola, um giganta que está se divertindo destruindo uma cidade. Enquanto isso, ela fica imensamente surpresa em perceber que não são todas as pessoas que fogem dela, desesperadas para salvar suas próprias vidas. Não. Estranhamente, pequenos submissos surgem, de todos os cantos do país, oferecendo seus corpos em sacrifício à maldade de Paola. Claro que nossa heroína, quer dizer, vilã, terá prazer em realizar seus desejos.

Espero que gostem e que entendam.

Aviso Importante

Essa é uma história horrível. Ela não é recomendada pra ninguém sadio. Nem adultos e nem, deus me livre, crianças. Ninguém está preparado para ler coisas assim. Essa história contém sexo, incitação à masturbação e ao crime, desobediência civil, mortes, sangues, assassinatos, desgraça, o horror, o horror! Não leiam. Depois não digam que não avisei. Histórias como essa devem ser lidas apenas pelos iniciados, mentes superiores e refinadas, que sabem separar fato de ficção, apreciar o segundo sem que ele se torne o primeiro.

Aviso Essencial

Caramba, eu até me sinto bobo falando essas coisas, mas vá lá, hoje em dia até mesmo as agulhas são vendidas com avisos como "não enfiar no olho", etc. E a Internet é grande, sabe-se lá nas mãos de quem isso aqui pode acabar parando...! Essa história é apenas uma fantasia totalmente louca e absolutamente descompatibilizada da realidade. O autor, de modo algum, pretende incitar seus leitores a realizar coisas hediondas como manter escravos em calabouços ou tentar conquistar o mundo. Lembrem-se do que aconteceu com Hitler: não foi bonito. Mais ainda, nada nessa história indica desejos ou fantasias do autor que coisas parecidas às narradas aqui sejam realizadas contra ele, ou que ele tenha desejos incipientes de morte. Fica claro que o autor, pessoalmente, não quer morrer, não quer que ninguém morra, nunca, e que por ele todos viveriam para sempre, mesmo que isso significasse, por razões óbvias, o fim da humanidade e o colapso da civilização. Ficou claro?

O autor gostaria de saber as opiniões de todos os seus leitores. Não recebo nada pra escrever essas histórias, que me paguem pelo menos com seus comentários... Que tal fazermos um trato? Se ler e gostar, escreva, nem que seja pra dizer "li"... Esse é o único pagamento que preciso...

The Size of Paola's Foot

por Pedro Lozada

Paola was laying over the wasted city, basking under the afternoon sun. It had been fun to cause so much mayhem and death and now all she wanted was to rest on her laurels and enjoy that delicious feeling of power and evilness. All around her, tiny men were scurrying to and fro, looking for ways to please her. It was funny how these things happen. She was an Evil Goddess, of course, she knew it and she loved it, but she never expected she would have so many worshippers! After her initial rampage over the city, a great majority of its population had been killed, naturally. And then, as Paola laid down to gloat on her evilness, the survivors had seized the opportunity to flee. She had planned this, of course: she needed the survivors to spread the word about her magnificence. Every once in a while, even from her resting position, she would randomly pick a fleeing car or person and crush it under her thumb just for the heck of it, but, all in all, she wanted the story of her evil deeds to spread, she wanted her legend to grow.

What she didn't foresee, however, was that much of the population didn't flee at all: they flocked from all boroughs to be next to her, to offer their tiny services and their tiny lives to her! Go figure! At first, she was kind of miffed that they weren't terrorized by her. She killed lots of them but to no avail. It was deliciously perverted when she realized that even as her giant sole was coming down on them to squish them to grease they had hard-ons and were masturbating as fast as they could. Finally, Paola not only accepted it, she was flattered: she was so hot and sexy that men died happily for her, wasn't that what being an Evil Goddess was all about? They saw that giant, deadly sole descending on them and they didn't even realize that they were about to die an agonizingly painful death because they were so overwhelmed at her sensuousness and attractiveness that they could think of nothing else. In fact, as the day grew, Paola liked more and more the idea of having such worshippers: that's real power, she thought. Not only the power to destroy a city - after all, any missile could do that, really - but the power to make tiny men love and worship her even though she couldn't care less about them, even though she was going to kill all of them. Also, to step and kill a man who actually loved her... Well, it felt a lot more wicked than just squishing random people on the streets. Women have been humiliating and debasing infatuated men ever since time immemorial but now she could go one step further - literally! Wow!, the thought excited her so that she even grabbed a worshipper and used him to masturbate.

But now she was bored. What to do? What to do? Paola noticed that most of her slaves concentrated around her lovely feet. Apparently, they were so pathetic and submissive that they didn't even consider themselves worthy of touching any other part of her body. Whatever. For hours now they had been wandering between her toes and, every once in a while, she would wriggle her toes and crush some of them, but even that wasn't fun anymore. Close to her head, there were always tiny slaves waving to her: she squished some under her fingers but others she brought to her ears, all their flattery amused her. And then of one the foot freaks asked what size were her feet.

Paola's sexy, dangerous green eyes lit up: that's a good question! Better yet, it would provide for an amusing answer! She stood up and casually flicked the slave away: after giving her that nice idea, she didn't need him anymore. Paola didn't even follow his trajectory as he darted across the skies and crashed against a building and then slowly slid to the floor.

[Essa história foi escrita por Pedro Lozada (pedrolozada87[at]hotmail.com). Se gostou, visite o blog Mulheres Malvadas, em http://mulheresmalvadas.blogspot.com, e leia outras histórias ainda piores. Não retire esse aviso, por favor]

"Attention, my dear, tiny worshippers" she boomed "I want to know how big are my feet. For that, I require volunteers!"

There was a huge stir among the tiny men and many rushed to her, but the amount of enthusiasm didn't satisfy her, so she added:

"Naturally, you will not survive the assignment."

And that was that: all tiny men rushed to her feet, flaying their little arms and jumping and waving. Everyone wanted to be a sacrifice to the greater glory of the Evil Goddess Paola.

She couldn't resist having such a frenzied mob at her feet, so she stepped on some with her big toe and it was a delight to feel them break and squish - she used only that one toe because she didn't want to run out of volunteers.

"Your enthusiasm is satisfactory, your eagerness amuses me. I'm pleased. Now, here's what I want your little darlings to do: lay down on the floor on a vertical line. Do you understand that? I want your feet touching the head of the slave before you and the feet of the slave after you touching your feet. Can you do that?"

Paola raised her sole over the crowd and wriggled her toes, so as to encourage them. The men were aroused as never before in their lives. They had never seen more gorgeous feet or been with a woman as sexy and perfect as the Evil Goddess Paola. They knew they were about to be killed by those very same wicked toes they were staring at and they could hardly wait. One tiny men broke under the pressure and lost control, he simply had to masturbate, she was too sexy! Paola saw that and, as always, she was amused by that arousal in the face of certain death, but she had given them a job and she wouldn't stand any delays. Using her big toe again, she carefully squished him and said:

"No stopping now, fellows. You have a job to do! Move! Move!"

Several lines were formed, there was even a horizontal line formed by a bunch of dumb slaves. Paola pick up an abandoned truck and let it fall over them:

"They were not worthy to die in contact with my godly flesh. I hate stupid slaves. Remember that."

Naturally the truck was so big that it flattened several other slaves too, but Paola couldn't care less - that's what they're there for - and no one complained. She looked down: she had always despised men as a rule but until she became an Evil Goddess she had no idea how many pathetic men there really were. The destroyed city was filled with vertical lines of slaves laying over the broken tarmac. Oh, boy!, that was so delicious, she thought, bringing her hand down to her vagina, she wished to step on all of them but she didn't want to run out of slaves so soon. She had to pick only one line. But which?

Finally, she saw them. They looked like an organized group, they even had a banner "Please Grant Us a Glorious Death Beneath Your Soles, Goddess Paola", and they were the most enthusiastic of slaves: all were masturbating with one hand and frantically waving at her with the other. Hell, their movements were even synchronized!

Paola caressed herself once again, thoroughly aroused: oh my, they never cease to amaze me! But I guess I should reward such hard-working slaves! Otherwise, what kind of Evil Goddess would I be? She raised her foot over the slaves and said:

"Rejoice for you're chosen to be sacrificed to me! Your lives will serve a higher purpose: to help me determine the size of my feet. In retribution for your undying, uninterested love and devotion, I'll give you a painful death." and she smiled at them "How do you like that?"

Paola couldn't hear them, of course, but they went nuts with excitement. Their movements became even more frantic and the one on top was waving the banner. It was a dream given form: after a whole life worshipping cruel women and licking the feet of girls who despised them for it, after masturbating day after day to Leg Show, or to Grildrig's stories or Kathy collages, finally, that was the real thing. They were going to be squished by their dream foot: long, slender, wrinkled and yellowish, with lively, happy toes. They were going to be killed by their dream woman: gorgeous and shapely, and also colossal and evil, an uncaring woman who couldn't even listen to them and who never knew their names. And now that foot was there, a foot they had been tending and admiring for the past hours, a foot that, just today, had crushed their entire city and countless innocent people with it. Never had they masturbated so frantically.

The Evil Goddess Paola was pleased at their response:

"I knew you'd enjoy it. Get ready to die."

And she lowered her heel on the first man on the line, crushing him immediately. Blood and guts squirmed on the next guy but he couldn't care less, he was going to be stepped on by his Evil Goddess and that that's all that counts!

"You can keep playing with your tiny bodies for as long as you're able, but apart from that it's very important that you don't move!"

Slowly, Paola let her foot descend over the line of slaves. But, for now, she was exerting no pressure.

"Nine!" she said, laughing "Can you believe it! My foot covers exactly nine slaves! I'm a size nine, just as I was when I was still a mortal!"

Steve was the ninth slave. His head was right below the tip of the Evil Goddess' middle toe. He could even see the tip of her long toenail: he had always loved long toenails, they made the feet look more deadly and there could be no deadlier foot than this one he was under. Steve couldn't believe his luck. The toe was so close to him he couldn't even masturbate anymore but he was rubbing his dick on the Evil Goddess' soft flesh. All was darkness for Steve and he knew he would never see light again, but still he was exhilarated. The delicious smell of the Evil Goddess' feet was everywhere, he had never dreamed to be so close to such a perfect woman. He could tilt his head and see her other toes lined up, what a beautiful foot that was: rubbing his dick against that foot was the apex of his sexual life! She started wriggling those delicious toes and Steve knew he didn't have long to live and it didn't bother him that the Evil Goddess knew nothing about him, or didn't even care about him. He would have loved to tell her how much he adored her sexy evilness, how many times he had dreamt about her even before knowing her, how much he had to run across the city to be able to serve her... But then, if she listened to a geek such as himself, if she paid any attention at all to his confidences, she wouldn't be the utmost evil woman of his dreams! And Steve loved her just like this, and he stared at her middle toe again, a toe larger than his body, and he thought: in a few seconds, this toe will burst me like a fat bug and, even before he finished that thought, the toe did.

Now, with her curiosity satisfied, Paola could afford to play with her little toys for a while, to allow for them to build up some arousal before finishing them off. And she could feel tiny strokes against her sensitive soles and she knew they were rubbing themselves against her, and she tried to imagine how it must be like to be under a woman's sole that's nine times your size, knowing you'll be dead in seconds. She just couldn't. She didn't need to. She was the Evil Goddess. Enough play. She wriggled her sexy toes in preparation for the carnage, her toes tingled in anticipation, and then, she slowly pressed down.

[Essa história foi escrita por Pedro Lozada (pedrolozada87[at]hotmail.com). Se gostou, visite o blog Mulheres Malvadas, em http://mulheresmalvadas.blogspot.com, e leia outras histórias ainda piores. Não retire esse aviso, por favor]

Oh, how she loved that sound! First it was a "cracky noise, as the bones broke and shattered, and it tickled her soles in a most delicious ways, there was nothing like it. Then, as they began to liquefy, it was a "sploshy" sound, like stepping on soft mud after a rainy day, she could feel that pulp between her toes as she wriggled them and it was delicious too! Finally, there was the lazy rubbing of her soles on the asphalt, to clean her soles of their nasty remains. More importantly, the blood should not be allowed to dry otherwise it would be very hard to clean: a team of slaves had to move in on it immediately and do the thoroughly disgusting job of licking her sole clean of that mix of mud and blood, knowing full well that sooner or later some other doomed fellow would be licking their own blood from those very same soles... It was humiliating and delicious!

That feels so good!, she thought! And there were so many other slaves lying around, dying to be crushed... Couldn't she just indulge herself? Oh, but she had so many other cruel games to play, so many other ways to destroy them, why waste it all on a stomping spree? Paola could see that many were anxious and eager to be stepped on and she sincerely felt for them:

"Don't worry, my dear tiny things. I swear I'll destroy every last one of you! Serve me well and I'll grant you enjoyable deaths but not now, I'm afraid... As much as I would love to, I..."

Then, suddenly, it all changed for a four-wheel jeep speeded into town and headed towards her. Paola' first instinct, naturally, was to raise her still bloody right sole and summarily crush it, but she was curious, so she picked up the car, dropped the occupants on her palm and brought them to her face:

"Who are you?" she asked.

The four men inside began kissing the palm of her hand and said they were from the neighboring town:

"We have come all this way just to offer ourselves to you, Evil Goddess Paola! We want to serve you, we want to squish for you! We've dropped everything so that we could be the first ones here to worship you!"

Paola's eyes twinkled evilly again and she stared at him:

"The first ones?"

"Yes, my Goddess. Geeks, losers, foot freaks, wimps all over the country are flocking here to serve you!"

A wicked smile appeared on her lips and she raised her head and, for the first time, paid any attention to the outskirts of town. They were right! Last time she looked, all she saw were the lines of cars fleeing! But now... There were traffic jams from all directions, hundreds, thousands of cars were coming into the city, filled with men anxious to adore her!

Without a second thought, she closed her fist and crushed the men together with their jeep and then, with a lovely laugh, she tried to hit one of the lines of slaves still laying on the floor. She missed it, but it made no difference, for the ball of metal just rolled around and squished a few dozen slaves, and she was greatly amused by it.

"I have great news, my darlings!" Paola was more and more aroused and she picked up some half a dozen slaves from the ground and inserted them inside her vagina, delighting in their gentle squirmings as she spoke: "I won't spare you anymore! I was going to save you for later but I have just realized that I'm an Evil Goddess!, I can get many more slaves where you came from!" She could hardly speak between her moans of pleasure from the slaves moving inside her "Why should I deny myself the pleasure of feeling you squish?"

It were the best orgasms of her life as she methodically and joyfully stepped on all of them while feeling the others being crushed to pulp inside her. By the time she had finished killing them all, she figured, her new slaves would be here and she would start all over again. So, she went on and on, always talking sweetly, a sweetness that blended very nicely with her wickedness:

"Don't fret, my dear future grease stains. No need to wave so much - even though I love your enthusiasm! I'll get there, I promise! You'll all get a turn at my lovely soles! If by any chance I miss you, don't be frustrated: just come to me and I'll take care of you! Yes, that's right, my little darling: squish nicely for me... You deserve your reward for serving me so well..."


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