Evil Laura & Slave Danny
One so-called Slave Danny wrote a story paying homage to Evil Laura. She liked the story and decided to retell it from the evil giantess' perspective. Below you have her introduction to both stories.
[reproduction of a story originally posted to Laura's website]
"This is the debut of the Shrine. Many slaves have sent me their words of worship and devotion but I have lacked the will and the time to put them here. Finally, a puny slave called Danny wrote me a pleading letter that was almost a story in itself. His narrative was so amusing that I felt compelled to tell my side of the story.
Danny is clearly a very disturbed young man (like all you giantess and foot freaks) and he appears to have some unresolved problems with his family. That is, of course, if you consider that fantasizing about your parents being crushed to death under the feet of an evil giantess constitutes an indicator of misplaced childhood aggressiveness. I can only hope he is not minor but I didn’t ask him — of course not, since I can’t check it out, why ask pointless questions?
Well, who cares about Danny’s problems? I don’t. He’s going to be mush within the hour anyway! Being the evil lady that I am, I’m just all too willing to solve Danny’s family issues forever — and have some wicked fun in the process, of course.
What you will see here is, first, Danny’s original e-mail to me. I have changed nothing, there was no editing except for some spell check — I’ll never understand why people don’t use spell check when writing!! Apart from that, the story/message is as I received it. Another strong quality of Danny’s narrative is that it’s really like me: the actions and words he describes are pretty much what I would have done and said. Then, you’ll read my version of it. I liked Danny’s scenario and I wanted to tell that story from my unique perspective. And of course I have embellished it a little, I have added a few things, but it’s still essentially my point of view of slave Danny’s scenario.
I think you will enjoy it.
Evil Laura,
Bad to the Bone
June 22nd, 1998
A note for all of you rightly concerned about privacy issues: don’t be afraid to write me because I might post your mail on this page. Danny’s message has only been posted here because he has given me his explicit permission to do so. Although I will shamelessly degrade you and kill you, I’d never post any of your messages here without your consent."
Now, read Laura's version or Danny's Version.
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